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3 years of High School and plenty of books to read, some are mandatory and some you can enjoy yourself!
Choose books to read and add them here so others can get inspiration. Some prompts have books listed initially too if you don’t know where to start.
You can only count a book for one prompt, so choose wisely
Choose books to read and add them here so others can get inspiration. Some prompts have books listed initially too if you don’t know where to start.
You can only count a book for one prompt, so choose wisely
The High School Reading Challenge
2 participants (312 books)
3 years of High School and plenty of books to read, some are mandatory and some you can enjoy yourself!
Choose books to read and add them here so others can get inspiration. Some prompts have books listed initially too if you don’t know where to start.
You can only count a book for one prompt, so choose wisely
Choose books to read and add them here so others can get inspiration. Some prompts have books listed initially too if you don’t know where to start.
You can only count a book for one prompt, so choose wisely