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01 Mar 2023—31 Dec 2023
Book club is back at Hartfield Book Co., an indie bookstore on the historic courthouse square in Monticello, Illinois! In person discussion on the second Thursday of each month; FB group for anytime discussion, supplemental media and materials, and communication of logistics.
2023 picks are selected by in-person participants and are mostly written by women, with summer books focusing on lighter, genre reads. Books are chosen and challenge updated three books/months at a time.
2023 picks are selected by in-person participants and are mostly written by women, with summer books focusing on lighter, genre reads. Books are chosen and challenge updated three books/months at a time.
Hartfield Book Club 2023
1 participant (9 books)
STARTS: 01 Mar 2023ENDS: 31 Dec 2023
Book club is back at Hartfield Book Co., an indie bookstore on the historic courthouse square in Monticello, Illinois! In person discussion on the second Thursday of each month; FB group for anytime discussion, supplemental media and materials, and communication of logistics.
2023 picks are selected by in-person participants and are mostly written by women, with summer books focusing on lighter, genre reads. Books are chosen and challenge updated three books/months at a time.
2023 picks are selected by in-person participants and are mostly written by women, with summer books focusing on lighter, genre reads. Books are chosen and challenge updated three books/months at a time.