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Here are 65 more random reading prompts to help you through your ever-growing TBR pile. These are the prompts that did not make it onto my 101 TBR Prompts challenge.
If it's not clear what is expected, you can interpret the prompts however you want. Happy reading, and have fun!
If it's not clear what is expected, you can interpret the prompts however you want. Happy reading, and have fun!
65 More TBR Prompts
35 participants (1,467 books)
Here are 65 more random reading prompts to help you through your ever-growing TBR pile. These are the prompts that did not make it onto my 101 TBR Prompts challenge.
If it's not clear what is expected, you can interpret the prompts however you want. Happy reading, and have fun!
If it's not clear what is expected, you can interpret the prompts however you want. Happy reading, and have fun!