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01 Jan 2022—31 Dec 2022
Join us this year as we read new books and old books, books we've just bought and those we've had on our shelves for years, new-to-us authors and old favorites... this challenge should be possible with any genre, but was created with fiction in mind. Follow along with us on Instagram for story templates, updates, and sharing!
@wealwaysreadbookclub @mom.always.reads @kaylas100bookchallenge and tag us in your posts!
@wealwaysreadbookclub @mom.always.reads @kaylas100bookchallenge and tag us in your posts!
We Always Read Book Club - 2022 Reading Challenge
28 participants (615 books)
STARTS: 01 Jan 2022ENDS: 31 Dec 2022
Join us this year as we read new books and old books, books we've just bought and those we've had on our shelves for years, new-to-us authors and old favorites... this challenge should be possible with any genre, but was created with fiction in mind. Follow along with us on Instagram for story templates, updates, and sharing!
@wealwaysreadbookclub @mom.always.reads @kaylas100bookchallenge and tag us in your posts!
@wealwaysreadbookclub @mom.always.reads @kaylas100bookchallenge and tag us in your posts!