The Best Horror Books of 2024 - Esquire, Oct 2024

23 participants (38 books)


Pulled directly from Esquire's article by Neil McRobert located here:

So far, 2024 has been brimming with fantastic horror stories. I’ve done my absolute best to curate a list of the must-read titles released up to this point. The most promising element of the list below is in the breadth, depth, and variety of the darkness at play. Unlike in previous “golden” eras of horror, there is no dominant trend. Rather, horror writers are digging their own grim tunnels into territory old and new. Retro haunted-house stories sit alongside extreme body horror. Whimsical horror comedies work in tandem with serious political subcurrents. Horror is not just responding to the perma-crisis we’re all living through; it’s providing respite and escape from it. Horror teaches as much as it terrifies. It heals as much as it hurts. 
This list contains titles from the whole spectrum of the genre. There are stories to satisfy the most bloodthirsty tastes and some that will lead the uneasy on their first forays into the shadowy end of the library.