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Here are some specific prompts about stories, settings, characters, etc that I personally enjoy seeing in speculative fiction. This is half challenge, half "maybe you'll find a new story with a thing you like"! If you happen to like any of these things yourself 😉
Note that I use the word "stories" instead of "books", so short stories, novellas, comics, etc, can absolutely be added!
Note that I use the word "stories" instead of "books", so short stories, novellas, comics, etc, can absolutely be added!
Specific Prompts for Speculative Stories
27 participants (140 books)
Here are some specific prompts about stories, settings, characters, etc that I personally enjoy seeing in speculative fiction. This is half challenge, half "maybe you'll find a new story with a thing you like"! If you happen to like any of these things yourself 😉
Note that I use the word "stories" instead of "books", so short stories, novellas, comics, etc, can absolutely be added!
Note that I use the word "stories" instead of "books", so short stories, novellas, comics, etc, can absolutely be added!