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01 Jan 2024—31 Dec 2024
Started in 2017, Beat the Backlist is an annual reading challenge designed to help you tackle all the books you keep meaning to read and still haven’t. It's intended for books that have already been published at the start of the new year. Read more on the challenge website by clicking here!
- The book must be published in the previous year or earlier (for the 2024 challenge, anything published in 2023 or earlier counts).
- You have to start and finish the book in 2024.
- And that’s it!
YOU set your own TBR/goal. Any format, any genre. Re-reads count, and you don’t have to own the book. It’s open for the entire year so whenever you feel like jumping in, you can!
Though the prompts are optional for this challenge overall, the progress bar doesn't update without making them count here on StoryGraph. As a workaround, there is a bonus prompt for those not tracking other reading prompts that just asks for "a backlist book." It will not show up as part of the progress bar but will hopefully allow you to participate if you don't want to use the prompts! For those using the prompts, it's one book per prompt! Happy reading!
Need extra motivation throughout the year? Join the Discord group for Beat the Backlist (click here)!
Beat the Backlist 2024
683 participants (11,201 books)
STARTS: 01 Jan 2024ENDS: 31 Dec 2024
Started in 2017, Beat the Backlist is an annual reading challenge designed to help you tackle all the books you keep meaning to read and still haven’t. It's intended for books that have already been published at the start of the new year. Read more on the challenge website by clicking here!
- The book must be published in the previous year or earlier (for the 2024 challenge, anything published in 2023 or earlier counts).
- You have to start and finish the book in 2024.
- And that’s it!
YOU set your own TBR/goal. Any format, any genre. Re-reads count, and you don’t have to own the book. It’s open for the entire year so whenever you feel like jumping in, you can!
Though the prompts are optional for this challenge overall, the progress bar doesn't update without making them count here on StoryGraph. As a workaround, there is a bonus prompt for those not tracking other reading prompts that just asks for "a backlist book." It will not show up as part of the progress bar but will hopefully allow you to participate if you don't want to use the prompts! For those using the prompts, it's one book per prompt! Happy reading!
Need extra motivation throughout the year? Join the Discord group for Beat the Backlist (click here)!