2025 Bookish Swifties Club Year Long Challenge

150 participants (181 books)

01 Jan 202531 Dec 2025


Our very own Scratch & Sniff Board

More info on our discord! & Follow @ bookishswiftiesclub on IG

Each month we have a Book of the Month and a Monthly Challenge. Each BOTM and Monthly Challenge for the year have their very own fruit box. Underneath each fruit is a point value that is unknown to the club. At the start of each following month a MOD will "scratch off" the box and reveal the point value of the previous month's BOTM and Challenge to the club. If you completed the challenge and read (or reread) the BOTM during it's month you will receive those points to your score. (We understand that library wait times can effect timely participation in completing a BOTM, for this reason our monthly challenges will always have a higher point value than the BOTMs but we still encourage you to participate in both when you are able to do so!) Your goal is to collect as many points as you would like to gain an exclusive BSC Discord role.

Challenge Prompts
