52 Books in 52 Weeks (2024) (52 Book Club)

britrcup's profile picture britrcup Host

956 participants (11,112 books)

01 Jan 202431 Dec 2024


The official 52 Book Club reading challenge of 2024. Copied from their website.  https://www.the52book.club/2024-reading-challenge/

I have added the books that I know meet these prompts but if you have any trouble thinking of a book or have any questions I strongly suggest visiting their challenge guide. And remember just have fun.

What is the challenge?

The 52 Book Club’s annual reading challenge is made up of 52 unique prompts. The goal is to match one book to each prompt, for a total of fifty-two books over the course of the year. Prompts are related to everything from specific titles, to cover designs, authors, genres, settings, themes, characters, etc. (Think of it like a giant bookish scavenger hunt!) We encourage participants to try books outside of their regular reading comfort zones and push themselves to read more, read differently, and get creative with it! 

Other helpful reminders:

  • You can complete the list in any order. You can also interpret the prompts as creatively as you like, using any format of reading, and any author or genre that you feel fits the prompt. Want to make your challenge more difficult? Check out these suggestions for increasing your 2024 challenge difficulty.
  • Don’t think you can read 52 books in a year? That’s okay! Join anyway and complete as many as you can. This is a self-led, pressure-free challenge! It’s not a competition. Read at your own pace and have fun!
  • Don’t know what a prompt means? Check out our 2024 challenge guide for further explanation or helpful suggestions!

Challenge Prompts
