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Read 25 Books From Your Digital TBR in 2025 (with optional 2x bonus!)
11 participants (102 books)
01 Jan 2025—31 Dec 2025
Hi, eBook readers! I have a gajillion ebooks that I've collected like some sort of digital hoarder. I have promptly sorted them into various folders and left them untouched. It's great that there are so many book giveaways, and Stuff Your Kindle days fill me with delight, but I need to actually READ what I've downloaded. If you're in the same boat, maybe you'd like to join me!
The first 25 are reader's choice. If you're a book goblin like me and want to aim for 50, I've included some optional prompts so that you can double your serotonin levels. Use the challenge in whatever way works best for you! I've also made a "physical TBR" and "KU" challenge if you're interested. Although if you prefer to mix and match here, I will neither know nor care. :) Happy reading!
The first 25 are reader's choice. If you're a book goblin like me and want to aim for 50, I've included some optional prompts so that you can double your serotonin levels. Use the challenge in whatever way works best for you! I've also made a "physical TBR" and "KU" challenge if you're interested. Although if you prefer to mix and match here, I will neither know nor care. :) Happy reading!
Read 25 Books From Your Digital TBR in 2025 (with optional 2x bonus!)
11 participants (102 books)
STARTS: 01 Jan 2025ENDS: 31 Dec 2025
Hi, eBook readers! I have a gajillion ebooks that I've collected like some sort of digital hoarder. I have promptly sorted them into various folders and left them untouched. It's great that there are so many book giveaways, and Stuff Your Kindle days fill me with delight, but I need to actually READ what I've downloaded. If you're in the same boat, maybe you'd like to join me!
The first 25 are reader's choice. If you're a book goblin like me and want to aim for 50, I've included some optional prompts so that you can double your serotonin levels. Use the challenge in whatever way works best for you! I've also made a "physical TBR" and "KU" challenge if you're interested. Although if you prefer to mix and match here, I will neither know nor care. :) Happy reading!
The first 25 are reader's choice. If you're a book goblin like me and want to aim for 50, I've included some optional prompts so that you can double your serotonin levels. Use the challenge in whatever way works best for you! I've also made a "physical TBR" and "KU" challenge if you're interested. Although if you prefer to mix and match here, I will neither know nor care. :) Happy reading!