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01 Jan 2023—31 Dec 2023
Based on @reggiereads on Instagram #10books10decades annual challenge. Read a book from each of 10 different decades - any 10 decades you would like. It doesn't have to be chronological or recent.
Follow @reggiereads on Instagram for great content and recommendations!
Follow @reggiereads on Instagram for great content and recommendations!
10 books 10 decades (2023)
106 participants (787 books)
STARTS: 01 Jan 2023ENDS: 31 Dec 2023
Based on @reggiereads on Instagram #10books10decades annual challenge. Read a book from each of 10 different decades - any 10 decades you would like. It doesn't have to be chronological or recent.
Follow @reggiereads on Instagram for great content and recommendations!
Follow @reggiereads on Instagram for great content and recommendations!