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01 Jan 2025—31 Dec 2025
As always: "The comfort zone is a safe space where we don’t risk, but neither do we grow"
So why not try something new and mabye even discover a new passion!
So why not try something new and mabye even discover a new passion!
- A bunch of prompts are based on your reading stats. Whether you choose all-time, the current year or last year is up to you
- DNFs are allowed... I know this rule makes no sence with how reading challenges work, but I'm still hopeful that one day we'll be able to mark a prompt as completed with a DNF
- if it's a tie between 2 or more categories, choose the category of which there are fewer books on your TBR
Leave the Comfort Zone 2025
35 participants (250 books)
STARTS: 01 Jan 2025ENDS: 31 Dec 2025
As always: "The comfort zone is a safe space where we don’t risk, but neither do we grow"
So why not try something new and mabye even discover a new passion!
So why not try something new and mabye even discover a new passion!
- A bunch of prompts are based on your reading stats. Whether you choose all-time, the current year or last year is up to you
- DNFs are allowed... I know this rule makes no sence with how reading challenges work, but I'm still hopeful that one day we'll be able to mark a prompt as completed with a DNF
- if it's a tie between 2 or more categories, choose the category of which there are fewer books on your TBR