Out With the Old: A Readathon

17 participants (386 books)

01 Jan 202531 Dec 2025


"Out With the Old" is a backlog TBR buster readathon! You can limit this to your physical TBR, but that's optional. The main goal is to read books that have already been on your TBR for a while.

Combining prompts is allowed, but I encourage you to read a different book for each prompt if possible. If you don't have different books on your TBR to match certain prompts, that is where I'd recommend combining prompts. For example, if your only graphic novel is also your only novella, you should apply that book to both prompts.

You have all year to work on this readathon! It ends on December 31st. This is just for fun, so don't put too much pressure on yourself!

Challenge Prompts
