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01 Jan 2025—31 Dec 2025
Join Cee (@seeceereads) and Marie (@rosylibrarianreads) in 2025 for a loosely structured reading challenge!
☆ Message one of us to be added to an IG chat starting in 2025
☆ Drop in (or out) for any book that interests you throughout the year
☆ Aim to finish the designated book (or another one as you see fit) in the given month
☆ Cee and Marie will aim to pose a handful of questions in the chat each month. We also welcome whatever other inquiries, ahas and musings you share
☆ Post quotes, lessons learned and/or reviews
☆ Follow the hashtag (#studyingdemocracy) to see what others think
☆ “Loosely structured” means these aren't rules so much as intentions. We're grateful for folks who come along 🥰
☆ Message one of us to be added to an IG chat starting in 2025
☆ Drop in (or out) for any book that interests you throughout the year
☆ Aim to finish the designated book (or another one as you see fit) in the given month
☆ Cee and Marie will aim to pose a handful of questions in the chat each month. We also welcome whatever other inquiries, ahas and musings you share
☆ Post quotes, lessons learned and/or reviews
☆ Follow the hashtag (#studyingdemocracy) to see what others think
☆ “Loosely structured” means these aren't rules so much as intentions. We're grateful for folks who come along 🥰
Studying Democracy in 2025
16 participants (12 books)
STARTS: 01 Jan 2025ENDS: 31 Dec 2025
Join Cee (@seeceereads) and Marie (@rosylibrarianreads) in 2025 for a loosely structured reading challenge!
☆ Message one of us to be added to an IG chat starting in 2025
☆ Drop in (or out) for any book that interests you throughout the year
☆ Aim to finish the designated book (or another one as you see fit) in the given month
☆ Cee and Marie will aim to pose a handful of questions in the chat each month. We also welcome whatever other inquiries, ahas and musings you share
☆ Post quotes, lessons learned and/or reviews
☆ Follow the hashtag (#studyingdemocracy) to see what others think
☆ “Loosely structured” means these aren't rules so much as intentions. We're grateful for folks who come along 🥰
☆ Message one of us to be added to an IG chat starting in 2025
☆ Drop in (or out) for any book that interests you throughout the year
☆ Aim to finish the designated book (or another one as you see fit) in the given month
☆ Cee and Marie will aim to pose a handful of questions in the chat each month. We also welcome whatever other inquiries, ahas and musings you share
☆ Post quotes, lessons learned and/or reviews
☆ Follow the hashtag (#studyingdemocracy) to see what others think
☆ “Loosely structured” means these aren't rules so much as intentions. We're grateful for folks who come along 🥰
Challenge Books
Making the Presidency: John Adams and the Precedents That Forged the Republic
Lindsay M. Chervinsky
January: Making the Presidency x Lindsay Chervinsky
Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalization of Democracy
Francis Fukuyama
February: Political Order and Political Decay x Francis Fukuyama
Jacksonland: President Andrew Jackson, Cherokee Chief John Ross, and a Great American Land Grab
Steve Inskeep
March: Jacksonland x Steve Inskeep
Abolition: Politics, Practices, Promises, Vol. 1
Angela Y. Davis
April: Abolition Vol 1 x Angela Davis
And There Was Light: Abraham Lincoln and the American Struggle
Jon Meacham, Jon Meacham
May: And There Was Light: Abraham Lincoln and the American Struggle x Jon Meacham
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave
Frederick Douglass
June: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass x Frederick Douglass
Fraud of the Century: Rutherford B. Hayes, Samuel Tilden, and the Stolen Election of 1876
Roy Morris
July: Fraud of the Century: Rutherford B. Hayes, Samuel Tilden, and the Stolen Election of 1876 x Roy Morris Jr.
Against Elections: The Case for Democracy
David Van Reybrouck
August: Against Elections x David VanReybrouck
America First: Roosevelt Vs. Lindbergh in the Shadow of War
H.W. Brands
September: America First: Roosevelt vs. Lindbergh in the Shadow of War x H.W. Brands
Patterns of Democracy: Government Forms and Performance in Thirty-Six Countries
Arend Lijphart
October: Patterns of Democracy x Arend Lijphart
Leadership: In Turbulent Times
Doris Kearns Goodwin
November: Leadership: In Turbulent Times x Doris Kearns Goodwin
Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism
Richard D. Wolff
December: Democracy at Work x Richard Wolff