Getting Out of School and Into the Workplace: Strengthening Work-Based Learning in Upper Secondary Technical Education in Poland's Swietokrzyskie Regi by Jakub Rozenbaum, Piotr Stronkowski, Margo Hoftijzer

Getting Out of School and Into the Workplace: Strengthening Work-Based Learning in Upper Secondary Technical Education in Poland's Swietokrzyskie Regi

International Development in Focus

Jakub Rozenbaum, Piotr Stronkowski, Margo Hoftijzer

98 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction business economics education informative reflective medium-paced
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The potential for work-based learning to improve the quality and relevance of vocational education and training is widely recognized. Work-based learning allows students to develop skills and gain experience through practical, real-life experience...

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