Lenin's Electoral Strategy from Marx and Engels Through the Revolution of 1905: The Ballot, the Streets--Or Both by August H. Nimtz

Lenin's Electoral Strategy from Marx and Engels Through the Revolution of 1905: The Ballot, the Streets--Or Both

August H. Nimtz

225 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction history politics dark reflective medium-paced
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For readers fascinated by the intersection of politics and history, Lenin's Electoral Strategy from Marx and Engels Through the Revolution of 1905: The Ballot, the Streets--Or Both by August H. Nimtz offers a gripping exploration of Lenin's pivotal shift from revolutionary fervor to electoral politics, shedding light on the evolution of Marxist thought in the early 20th century.


This book explores the time in which Lenin initiated his use of the electorate, beginning with the Marxist roots of his politics, from his leadership of Russian Social Democratic Labor Party in the First and Second State Dumas to Russia's first ex...

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