Terror And Its Discontents: Suspect Words In Revolutionary France by Caroline Weber
Terror And Its Discontents: Suspect Words In Revolutionary France

Caroline Weber

Terror And Its Discontents: Suspect Words In Revolutionary France

Caroline Weber

320 pages first pub 2003 (editions)

informative reflective medium-paced
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Terror And Its Discontents: Suspect Words In Revolutionary France by Caroline Weber is a captivating read for anyone fascinated by the intricate dance between language, power, and freedom, particularly those interested in the complexities of the French Revolution and the ways in which words can shape - or constrain - the human experience.


Camille Desmoulins, a journalist writing under the Montagnard regime of 1793-94, remarked that France's government had replaced "the language of democracy" with "the cold poison of fear, which paralyzed thought in the bottom of people's souls, and...

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