Keto Summer Cookbook: 75 Low Carb Recipes Inspired by the Flavors of the Mediterranean by Elizabeth Jane

Keto Summer Cookbook: 75 Low Carb Recipes Inspired by the Flavors of the Mediterranean

Elizabeth Jane

104 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction food and drink health informative inspiring lighthearted medium-paced
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Keto Summer Cookbook: 75 Low Carb Recipes Inspired by the Flavors of the Mediterranean by Elizabeth Jane is a perfect fit for the adventurous, health-conscious reader who craves a lighter, fresher approach to their keto diet and is eager to infuse their summer with the vibrant flavors and cuisines of the Mediterranean.


Stay true to your keto & paleo diet, but add the essence of the Mediterranean with delicious recipes from a cuisine that is accessible, flavorful and heart healthy. And no pasta involved .Do you find yourself wondering what to eat at summer ba...

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