The Crises of Civilization: Exploring Global and Planetary Histories by Dipesh Chakrabarty
The Crises of Civilization: Exploring Global and Planetary Histories

Dipesh Chakrabarty

The Crises of Civilization: Exploring Global and Planetary Histories

Dipesh Chakrabarty

321 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction history challenging informative reflective medium-paced
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The Crises of Civilization: Exploring Global and Planetary Histories by Dipesh Chakrabarty is a stimulating read that will resonate with readers who are passionate about understanding the intricate relationships between colonialism, globalization, climate change, and humanism, and who are eager to engage with new perspectives on the future of our planet and its inhabitants.


Societies that have long wrestled with the legacies of colonialism now confront both a crisis of globalization and a crisis of climate. This collection of essays by a leading scholar of postcolonial studies and environmental humanities examines th...

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