Was Sie Immer Schon über Lacan Wissen Wollten Und Hitchcock Nie Zu Fragen Wagten by Mladen Dolar, Alenka Zupančič, Slavoj Žižek, Isolde Charim

Was Sie Immer Schon über Lacan Wissen Wollten Und Hitchcock Nie Zu Fragen Wagten

Mladen Dolar, Alenka Zupančič, Slavoj Žižek, Isolde Charim

258 pages first pub 1988 (view editions)

nonfiction philosophy psychology dark medium-paced
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'A modernist work of art is by definition 'incomprehensible'; it functions as a shock, as the irruption of a trauma which undermines the complacency of our daily routine and resists being integrated. What postmodernism does, however, is the very o...

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