Linear Algebra And Optimization With Applications To Machine Learning - Volume I: Linear Algebra For Computer Vision, Robotics, And Machine Learning by Jocelyn Quaintance, Jean Gallier

Linear Algebra And Optimization With Applications To Machine Learning - Volume I: Linear Algebra For Computer Vision, Robotics, And Machine Learning

Linear Algebra and Optimization with Applications to Machine Learning

Jocelyn Quaintance, Jean Gallier

824 pages missing pub info (editions)

informative reflective medium-paced
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For the ambitious computer scientist, engineer, or mathematician seeking to unlock the secrets of linear algebra and its applications in computer vision, robotics, and machine learning, this book is a treasure trove of mathematical fundamentals and real-world examples that will empower them to make significant contributions in their field.


This book provides the mathematical fundamentals of linear algebra to practicers in computer vision, machine learning, robotics, applied mathematics, and electrical engineering. By only assuming a knowledge of calculus, the authors develop, in a r...

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