Granta 13: After the Revolution by Bill Buford

Granta 13: After the Revolution

Granta #13

Bill Buford with Martin Amis (Contributor), Doris Lessing (Contributor), Milan Kundera (Contributor), Someth May (Contributor), James Fenton (Contributor), Orville Schell (Contributor), Josef Škvorecký (Contributor), Timothy Garton Ash (Contributor), John Berger (Contributor), Edward W. Said (Contributor), Reinaldo Arenas (Contributor), Anita Brookner (Contributor), Russell Hoban (Contributor), Nella Bielski (Contributor)

252 pages first pub 1984 (view editions)

essays literary short stories
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The Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, China, Cuba…what has happened to the nineteenth-century dream of revolution? John Berger, Milan Kundera, Orville Schell, Anita Brookner, James Fenton, Doris Lessing, Martin Amis, and Edward Said. 

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