Lighting the North: An Anthology of Feminism and Cultural Diversity from Across the Nation by Shirin Ariff, Ky-Lee Hanson, Nadia Dedic

Lighting the North: An Anthology of Feminism and Cultural Diversity from Across the Nation

Shirin Ariff, Ky-Lee Hanson, Nadia Dedic

220 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction essays gender
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Lighting the North: An Anthology of Feminism and Cultural Diversity from Across the Nation by Shirin Ariff, Ky-Lee Hanson, Nadia Dedic is a must-read for anyone seeking a powerful and uplifting exploration of identity, belonging, and resilience, as it weaves together the diverse stories and experiences of women from across Canada, offering a beacon of hope and solidarity for anyone navigating the complexities of feminism and cultural diversity.


Canada thrives as a diverse country with a very unique culture. Lighting The North will help shed light on equality, freedom, and what it means to be a woman in Canada. The struggles and unrecognized achievements we face as women are just as prese...

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