Finance and Economics Discussion Series: The Two-Period Rational Inattention Model: Accelerations and Analyses by Kurt F. Lewis

Finance and Economics Discussion Series: The Two-Period Rational Inattention Model: Accelerations and Analyses

Kurt F. Lewis

24 pages missing pub info (editions)

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Finance and Economics Discussion Series: The Two-Period Rational Inattention Model: Accelerations and Analyses by Kurt F. Lewis is a must-read for economists and finance enthusiasts who crave a deeper understanding of the intricacies of Rational Inattention models, offering a comprehensive and accessible exploration of the subject that will leave readers with a newfound appreciation for the complexities of economic decision-making.


This paper demonstrates the properties of and a solution method for the more general two-period Rational Inattention model of Sims (2006). It is shown that the corresponding optimization problem is convex and can be solved very quickly. This paper...

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