Contemporary Wine Studies: Dancing with Bacchus by Gareth Morgan, Richard Tresidder

Contemporary Wine Studies: Dancing with Bacchus

Gareth Morgan, Richard Tresidder

224 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction business economics food and drink science technology travel informative medium-paced
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Contemporary Wine Studies: Dancing with Bacchus by Gareth Morgan, Richard Tresidder is a must-read for anyone who has ever savored the rich cultural and social nuances of wine, from wine enthusiasts and students of social science to scholars and professionals in the hospitality and wine industries, who will delight in its holistic and innovative exploration of the multifaceted world of wine.


The purchase and consumption of wine, whether in hospitality environments or domestic settings, has huge anthropological significance underpinned by a discourse of wine appreciation. It can be seen as a multi-sensory and symbolically status-rich ...

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