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ISBN/UID: 9789123876846
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Publisher: DK
Publication date: 26 August 1991
This book is a perfect fit for curious and inquisitive readers who want to explore the fundamental questions of human behavior and society, including students, psychology enthusiasts, and anyone seeking a clear and concise introduction to the big ideas and theories in psychology and sociology.
Exploring more than 80 of the big ideas and key theories in the field of sociology in a clear and simple way, this is the perfect introduction to the study of how humans live and interact with each other.Covering diversity and equality, globaliza...
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ISBN/UID: 9789123876846
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Publisher: DK
Publication date: 26 August 1991
This book is a perfect fit for curious and inquisitive readers who want to explore the fundamental questions of human behavior and society, including students, psychology enthusiasts, and anyone seeking a clear and concise introduction to the big ideas and theories in psychology and sociology.
Exploring more than 80 of the big ideas and key theories in the field of sociology in a clear and simple way, this is the perfect introduction to the study of how humans live and interact with each other.Covering diversity and equality, globaliza...
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