Recipes by the Book: Oak Tree Authors Cook by Holli Castillo, Amy Bennett, Ilene Schneider

Recipes by the Book: Oak Tree Authors Cook

Holli Castillo, Amy Bennett, Ilene Schneider

128 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction food and drink medium-paced
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Recipes by the Book: Oak Tree Authors Cook by Holli Castillo, Amy Bennett, Ilene Schneider is a delightful fit for readers who appreciate a culinary journey through the creative minds of talented authors, as this charming cookbook weaves together the best of their recipes, personal stories, and book inspirations, making it a must-have for anyone who loves food, writing, and the intersection of the two.


Not only are the Oak Tree Press authors wonderful writers, they are also great cooks. Meals often appear in their books. This cookbook assembles the best of their recipes along with author profiles and a bit about their books. contributors include...

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