Matthew Volume 2 (Chapters 14-28): A Mentor Commentary by Knox Chamblin

Matthew Volume 2 (Chapters 14-28): A Mentor Commentary

Knox Chamblin

missing page info Add in missing page information first pub 2010 (editions)

informative reflective medium-paced
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This book, Matthew Volume 2 (Chapters 14-28): A Mentor Commentary by Knox Chamblin, is a challenging and deeply reflective guide that will resonate with readers seeking a rich and nuanced understanding of the Gospel of Matthew, perfect for those who crave a deeper connection with the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.


Matthew's Gospel is the first document in the New Testament - a suitable location considering some scholars' opinions (for example, Theodor Zahn and Ernest Renan) that it is the pre-eminent piece of literature in antiquity. What sort of book is it...

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