The GNAW Project by Cynthia Meyers-Hanson
The GNAW Project

Cynthia Meyers-Hanson

The GNAW Project

Cynthia Meyers-Hanson

62 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction childrens medium-paced
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The GNAW Project by Cynthia Meyers-Hanson is a heartwarming and inspiring read that is a perfect fit for young readers who value kindness, empathy, and community service, and are looking for a story that highlights the importance of helping those in need and making a positive impact in their own community.


*** This project becomes a vehicle to publicize the plight of some USA kids that need free or reduced breakfasts as well as lunches and dinners. *** My students and I call our efforts The GNAW Project, which stands for Granola bars, Nuts, Apple sa...

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