Be It Remembered: The Story of Trinity Episcopal Church on Capital Square, Columbus, Ohio by Lisa M. Klein

Be It Remembered: The Story of Trinity Episcopal Church on Capital Square, Columbus, Ohio

Lisa M. Klein

265 pages missing pub info (editions)

challenging dark informative medium-paced
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Be It Remembered: The Story of Trinity Episcopal Church on Capital Square, Columbus, Ohio by Lisa M. Klein is a captivating read for anyone drawn to the rich history and spiritual significance of a beloved institution, as it weaves a narrative of community, faith, and resilience that will resonate with history buffs, architecture enthusiasts, and those seeking a deeper understanding of the human experience.


"Be It Remembered..." With these words, the founding members of Trinity Episcopal Church marked their first meeting as a congregation in May of 1817 and committed themselves to the future. They mandated acts of remembrance--from worship to writing...

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