
달라이 라마의 행복론 by Howard C. Cutler, Dalai Lama XIV

bioniclib's review against another edition

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More useful advice from The Dalai Lama! I read The Art of Happiness years ago and if you have not, read that one first.

This book finds Dr. Cutler talking with His Holiness again, specifically about being happy at work. Ever the pragmatist the Dalai Lama admits that not everyone can have a job they love. So his advice focusing on having a positive attitude and thinking about how your work, even if it seems mundane and paltry, can indeed do good. One of his examples is a working on an assembly line. She may be just packing crates of Orange Juice or something, but that juice could go on to become part of the balanced breakfast for the next Nobel Peace Prize winner. It's all about perspective.

One chapter that really struck home with me was the one on Right Livelihood, which is a step no the Noble Eightfold path. It states that you shouldn't do a job that harms but rather helps people. I felt this acutely when at my last job. I really did not believe the company was helping people. Now, as a librarian, I help people all the time. It's gone a long way towards establishing my happiness at work. But again, the Dalai Lama admits that not everyone is so lucky. He gives advice on how to cope in those cases.

Would this be a good read for you? I'd was say so. You don't have to be Buddhist to put his advice into action. It certainly helps you see where he's coming from, but I'd say even and Atheist could find use int his book.

maude_a's review against another edition

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Ce livre m’ beaucoup déçue. Ce que dit le dalaï-lama à travers le livre est intéressant, mais le psychologue qui a écrit le livre est un narrateur plutôt dérangeant. Il semble plutôt fermé d’esprit et ne cesse de donner des exemples scientifiques pour appuyer les propos du dalaï-lama, ce qui coupe le fil de la lecture. De plus, ce livre est vraiment une introduction au bouddhisme. Connaissant déjà plusieurs des principes de cette religion, je n’ai pas appris grand chose. J’aurais préféré un livre écrit par le dalaï-lama lui-même.

frankukdk's review against another edition

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Interesting insight into the thoughts of the Dalai Lama on western mentality, psychology and happiness.

mykeprodukt's review against another edition

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challenging hopeful informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


dave_peticolas's review against another edition

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Cutler's interviews with the Dalai Lama about living a happy life.

stephaniejean's review against another edition

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a little bland, but I got some good stuff out of it.

kzerpa1's review against another edition

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informative inspiring reflective


francisjshaw's review against another edition

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I found the mixture of the Dalai Lama's thoughts and that of a scientist a nice combination. As two sides of the same coin the questions and answers both raise made it an interesting read. I like the fact that neither profess to have all the answers and the Dalai Lama's words are always thoughtful. How we can contribute to each other's growth is a great takeaway from this dialogue.

sarahrigg's review against another edition

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I enjoyed it and read it slowly on purpose so that I could really savor and think about the ideas in it. I'm working really hard on the concept of compassion right now. I think there's something for many people here- I'm an atheist but got a lot out of the book.

haleyshealy's review against another edition

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The Dalai Lama is presented merely as a nonfictional character in this book. This reads more like an inflated "Tuesdays with Morrie" psychiatry edition as it's more of a constant interview. I was disappointed because I expected to get a lot out of this book. I did take away some great things but nothing like you would expect. I found myself glossing over things and skipping pages because I got bored of listening to the repetitiveness of it. It was not interesting to me and I'm glad I can move on to something else now.