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33 reviews for:

Ace of Hearts

Lucy Mason


I sped through reading this and loved every page of it.
I loved Hesper and found her really relatable. The lengths her and Felix go to for each other is so heart melting. And how Felix respects her bounties? This should be the standard all other romance is held to. Loved it!
This book was so much more action-y than I expected and I really enjoyed it. Yes it is a romance but there's more going on as well.
emotional funny hopeful tense fast-paced
Plot or Character Driven: A mix
Strong character development: Yes
Loveable characters: Yes
Diverse cast of characters: Complicated
Flaws of characters a main focus: Complicated

This was such a cute story that I stayed up past midnight to read! The character development was great and the ending had me grinning from ear to ear!

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lighthearted medium-paced
Plot or Character Driven: Character
Strong character development: No
Loveable characters: No
Diverse cast of characters: No
Flaws of characters a main focus: No

Ace of Hearts by Lucy Mason
Read the content warnings. Hesler’s father is a police officer, verbally, emotionally, and physically abusive. And he abducts her. 

This book took me on a RIDE! Hesler and Felix have been best friends forever. Hesler has some major trauma she is working through and quite possibly might be neurodivergent. We aren't told, but she has some neurospiciness to her. Hesler is ACE, and her explanations are absolutely spot on. The very interesting part of this story is that Felix is not ACE. But he loves her, and he wants to be with Hesler more than anything else. I really enjoyed reading them find each other and find the relationship that works for them.

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Popsugar 2023: prompt 33: A book about an athlete/sport
challenging emotional lighthearted medium-paced
Plot or Character Driven: Character
Strong character development: Yes
Loveable characters: Yes
Diverse cast of characters: Yes
Flaws of characters a main focus: Yes

I wanted to like this so much more. The pacing was weird, there wasn’t a ton of plot, and the climax felt sudden. But the ace rep was great, really realistic, and I appreciated that, at least.
emotional funny hopeful inspiring fast-paced

i’m asexual and i also have a very abusive that i ran away from. 
reading a story like this and her being loved so much by the characters was kinda healing. I’m definitely biased but it was a cute story.
emotional hopeful reflective fast-paced
Plot or Character Driven: A mix
Strong character development: Yes
Loveable characters: Yes

I appreciated the way a commentary on the issues of compulsory sexuality and corruption in law enforcement were included in the story.
emotional hopeful tense medium-paced
Plot or Character Driven: Character
Strong character development: Yes
Loveable characters: Yes
Diverse cast of characters: Yes
Flaws of characters a main focus: Complicated

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