
La hija del desierto. La vida íntima de Gertrude Bell by Georgina Howell

onceandfuturelaura's review against another edition

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This book lost my affections at page 69, when the author criticized London’s National Portrait Gallery. In 2004, the “Gallery mounted an exhibition of portraits of pioneering women travellers called “Off the Beaten Track’” which included several pieces devoted to Bell. “The short four-line caption – all that was devoted to her – stated: ‘Despite her own achievements she actively opposed British women being given the right to vote.’ Technically correct, the statement is nonetheless a crude assessment of her ultimate intentions and one that takes no account of the complex politics of the times, or her position as a daughter of the Industrial Revolution.” Maybe. But the woman actually joined the freaking Anti-Suffrage League. (72). She was on the wrong side of history in a real, demonstrable way. The book gives it a fig leaf – (woman’s lives were hard and having to decide how to vote would make them harder!) That does not in any way persuade me. Plus the author favorably compares her to Margaret Thatcher.

The book is well written; the pages mostly flew by (though I could have done with less time in the mountains; I get it, she had indomitable will and no patience with obstacles). The author clearly had great affection for this woman, who clearly was remarkable. Bell materially helped her country win a world war and helped draw the maps in the wake of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. She was given a hero’s funeral in Iraq and her dog shipped back to England, even though she had made more local provision for his care. I liked the subtle metaphor there. But I can’t say the book made me like her.

ctraudray's review against another edition

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Gertrude Bell could not be a more fascinating person, and it's depressing as hell that nobody seems to know anything about her. Howell is clearly enamored of her, which makes me wonder if there are legitimate criticisms of Bell's work that were glossed over, but I can't say I blame her for her admiration. The book suffers a bit from being too detailed, and so drags in parts (the mountaineering chapters especially), but it's still a captivating read.

veethorn's review against another edition

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An impeccably researched and extremely well-written book about a woman who was good at everything she chose to do. From poetry translation to archaeologist to Arab independence and extremely complicated political maneuvering.

rianlion's review against another edition

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This was a very interesting read. I admit that about 2/3 of the way through, I started to get tired of it and probably skimmed it more than really read it. Gertrude Bell had a fascinating life and is a model for not only the intellectually curious, but those who are avid for different kinds of experiences.

alldebooks's review against another edition

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Extraordinary woman by our standards never mind 100 years ago. Thiswas a Radio 4 abridged bersion and I would very much like to read the whole biography and letters.

benevolentreader242's review against another edition

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Wonderful insight to the Middle East and how things have come to be. Gertrude was an amazing woman with lots of spunk and ability to change the world. If you are looking to know how an area of desert became the Middle East we know today, Bell's story is one to bring history alive.

harriett4's review against another edition

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Gertrude Bell led a very interesting life and is a very important historical figure. Howell portrayed her character well and brought Gertrude to life. However, I found the style of writing very hard to get into. I often found parts of the book were dry, repetitive and some chapters were longer than necessary, for example the constant repetition of her clothing, her foldable bath and the chapter on mountaineering was longer than needed. I really struggled to get to the end of the book - I had started to lose interest around half way into the book.

buzzingaboutbooks's review against another edition

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Gertrude bell is absolutley one of my biggest role models! Everyone should read her biography because she is just so amazing!!!!

malissac's review against another edition

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This is a fascinating story about a remarkable woman. Would in my opinion make an excellent movie!

apieracacos9's review against another edition

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Dammit. Bell was such a cool woman.