
Limitless Mind by Jo Boaler

lindquist's review against another edition

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Ögonöppnande, lättläst och mycket intressant! Jag som blivande lärare tyckte den här var riktigt bra och förhoppningsvis en början på ett nytt paradigm inom skolan. Möjligtvis väl upprepande och få kritiska perspektiv samtidigt som Boaler tar upp skolor och elever från olika socioekonomiska bakgrunder. Rekommenderar varmt till alla som är minsta intresserad av att förbättra sitt eget liv eller förbättra skolgång för barn och ungdomar.

riviwriter's review against another edition

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informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


spicygeek's review against another edition

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3.75 stars
I adored how this book goes about teaching its reader that people do not have a fixed brain and that someone who “isn’t a math person” for example can become one just by changing their way of thinking and practicing more. It teaches how believing people don’t have the aptitude for certain topics is not only wrong, but also negatively impacts our education and other events in our daily lives. There were however some sections I believe should have been edited a bit more because at some points there was a lot of babbling and repetition of the same thing being said just in a different way.

dpelletier22's review against another edition

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informative inspiring medium-paced


coreycnieman's review against another edition

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This book is a MUST READ for every educator, parent and person who sees value in learning.

I am usually not vulnerable enough to write a review for a book but the ideas in this book spoke to me in a way that not her book has in the past. I have read about and been exposed to the idea of mindsets throughout my career as an educator. Jo Boaler is masterful in providing evidence based information on the path to unlocking potential. In the time that it took me to read this book, I saw my interactions with myself and my students drastically change. I was open with my students about mindsets, learning and can already feel a shift in the way that my AP Chemistry students are approaching their learning. They are slowly starting to buy in. I am incredibly excited to use these strategies and provide students the support that they need to unlock their potential.

This book is life changing and as an educator and person I cannot think Jo Boaler enough for sharing her research with the world instead of keeping it locked up in a stuffy academic journal!

alicia535's review against another edition

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Ändra ditt sätt att se på världen, framförallt hur du förhåller dig till matematik. Du kanske tror att matte inte är din grej. Men vem som helst kan lära sig vad som helst. Det handlar bara om att öva och angripa problem på olika sätt berättar författaren.

Författaren beskriver hur du kan angripa problem på nya sätt, hur du kan ändra ditt tankesätt och vikten av samarbete.

Rekommenderar starkt till dig som tror att du inte kan. Boken riktar sig främst till den som vill lära sig matte, men kan appliceras på alla livets olika områden.

luzbella's review against another edition

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hopeful informative inspiring slow-paced


The concept of the book is excellent. It opens up your brain to see the world differently and be limitless

rossjenc's review against another edition

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inspiring reflective


cj_austin's review against another edition

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hopeful informative inspiring reflective medium-paced

sarahalmon's review against another edition

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For me, this book brought about mixed feelings. Boaler's 6 keys discussed in the book are important to recognize. When she's specifically discussing those ideas, I found the book to be insightful and I gained some new ideas for my classroom (although I do wish she offered more practical application tips). In other parts of the book, Boaler seems to be more focused on explaining the innate sexism within education then discussing how to have a limitless mind. I also grew tired of the constant references of how wonderful her youcubed organization is.