
Stroked by Meghan Quinn

tisha_s's review

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An odd book for me. The story dragged, yet I pushed through. I enjoyed the ending- I had some angst about how the relationship between Paisley and Reese was going to be outed. Overall something was off for me with this story. I'm looking forward to reading the next book, since the reviews were praise worthy.

Definitely looking forward to reading about Hollis and Melon (

kokod's review

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What did I just read?! Wow. I disliked all of the characters. All of them.

ajlareads's review

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I found the chapters with Bellini very unnecessary. Shame because I think I would have probably liked the book otherwise. Won't be rating since I DNF'ed at about 40%.

jennmaron's review

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3.5 stars. It was fine but they made the girl who you weren’t supposed to like so obnoxious it wasn’t believable and I found myself skipping her parts.

tastywordgasms_tanya's review

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First off ALL of Meghan Quinn’s books are must reads!!! I just had to get that off my chest. She writes with so much humor, you won’t be sorry!

Stroked is Reese King’s and Paisley Maccaro (aka Mauve) story. Paisley is assistant to and Reese King and Bellini Chambers who I have nicknamed the bitch queen (yes I will have to come up with another description for Amazon when I post this). Bellini is in a fake relationship with Reese King who is going to be participating in his last Olympics because he is about to age out. Reese is trying to come up with what he will do next so he has agreed to this fake relationship with /Bellini to try to further his career. Who Reese really wants is Paisley and he wants nothing to do with Bellini.

Bellini is so self-absorbed that no one is as important as she is to herself. I am not going to say more because the story unfolds from there.

Meghan really knows how to write scenes that make you break out in laughter while reading her books. And, Meghan is so descriptive. This is just one of the things that she has Bellini saying, and one of my favorites

“Hey, latte mule. Why don’t you haul your marshmallow hooves over here and try delivering me something that didn’t just seep like sewage from the barista’s asshole. And for the love of god, deliver it to me without panting like an out-of-work hippo.”

See what I mean! I just had to LOL while reading Stroked! There really are so many descriptions that will make you break out laughing too.

If you want a fun book to read then you must read Stroked. I really enjoyed reading Stroked and I have to give it 5 Stroked STARS.

kem0514's review

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I am so glad I finally went back to finish this series that I started completely out of order. It was a very light and funny story. I loved how obnoxious Bellini was. She was a character you hate but also kinda loved her! Paisley and Reese had such a strong connection almost immediately that it made it impossible to ignore despite how forbidden they were. This book was sexy and fun and really enjoyable if you are looking for a light read.

kelinek's review

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I don’t think I’m in the minority when I say Bellini ruined this book for me. I get what Meghan Quinn was trying to do but Bellini was too over the top and came off as a total bitch instead of so ridiculous she was funny. I read one chapter from her perspective then skipped the rest, they added nothing to the story. With that being said Reese and Paisley were great and I wish instead of focusing on how mean and demanding Bellini was those chapters had instead focused on Paisley and Reese’s relationship.

bookishbabeamanda's review

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Such a fun read! I wasn’t expecting the 3 povs but It made for a fun and unique feeling story. Bellini the vapid pseudo celebrity is the worst but it makes you love Reese and paisley even more somehow. Very good story, so much swooning.

sera9's review

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DNF @ 6%

One chapter from the POV of the antagonist was enough. Awful and not interested in continuing with the book at all. It's weird that some of the later books by this author have been big hits for me and most of the older books are just... Awful.

kimberlyfaye_reads's review

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Remember when I was looking for more Olympics-themed romances a couple weeks ago? Well, the Olympics may be over, but I just stumbled into a new series from a new-to-me author that totally fits the bill. I've had my eye on some of Meghan Quinn's other books, but I never took the leap until now. I'm so glad I did, too, because Stroked was a really entertaining read. It was equal parts funny, sexy and swoony.

Stroked was such a fun book to read. First off, I'm a huge sucker for a good forbidden romance. Which is, you know, exactly what Meghan delivered with the complicated relationship between Paisley and Reese. When it started, I enjoyed the oodles of sexual tension and the chemistry these two characters shared, but it became a lot deeper than that once I got to know them (and they got to know each other) better. It was easy to root for them from the start and, honestly, it only became easier the longer the book went on because of the utter ridiculousness that was Bellini and her fake relationship with Reese. I do love a good villain in books and movies. While Bellini was one of the most vapid and obnoxious characters I think I've ever read, she did make a damn good villain. There's literally no way NOT to hate her. I can't even pity her. She's just that atrocious. (Think Paris Hilton, but even more obnoxious.) Being totally honest, it got to the point where I couldn't even fully read the chapters from her POV. I skimmed to see if I was missing anything vital and then went on reading the characters I actually liked. I refuse to get sucked down into a Bellini hole in my review though. She's integral to the plot, of course, but she was really frustrating to read. But, I also think she needed to be for the story to work. Anyhow.

I really liked both Paisley and Reese. Their chemistry was smoking hot from the very start. Ohhhhhh the sexual tension! And those sexy times. Damn! *fans self* Reese has a damn dirty mouth and I absolutely loved it. But more than all the sexy times and romance, I just found it really easy to like these two because they were genuine. Neither was perfect, they'd both made mistakes in the past, and that endeared them to me. I thought they brought out the best in each other and that's the mark of a couple I can totally get behind, no matter what they have to overcome in order to be together. Paisley and Reese were strong characters, but so were some of the secondary ones. I can't wait to get Bodi and Hollis' stories, especially. And I hope that somewhere in the next two books, Bellini truly gets what's coming to her. Ugh.

I thought Stroked was a great introduction to Meghan Quinn's writing. I loved her humor and characters. The love stories were great and the sexy times were HOT AF. I'll definitely be continuing this series, as well as taking a closer look at her backlist for more new-to-me titles to love!
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I follow behind him like a lovesick puppy, wishing he could give me a little more attention. Maybe a pat on the head, a lick to the neck, or a penis to my vagina. Any would do right now.

"Ever hear a phrase or saying that touches your heart to the point that you want it branded on your soul?"

"I think you're sexy as fuck, Paisley. I want to get to know you more, and I want to get you into my bed, fuck you until you scream my name at least three times."

"Love wins out every time, Paisley. It's a force you can never stop."