sgrant24's review against another edition

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lukebyrd1's review

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woah mister a lot of bad things were happening !! 

claudedwards's review against another edition

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Informative book. Rough subject obvi.

ilikemandos's review against another edition

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dark informative reflective sad medium-paced


emilylstevens's review against another edition

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dark informative reflective slow-paced


notizhefte's review

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informative medium-paced


Erzählendes Sachbuch, das viele bereits existierende Untersuchungen verarbeitet und mit eigenen Recherchen des Autors verbindet. Unsympathische und raffgierige Kapitalisten haben zum Teil in den Aufstieg der NSdAP investiert und nach 1933 vom NS-System profitiert bzw. eng mit diesem kooperiert (Arisierungen, Einsatz von Zwangsarbeitern). Nach 1945 haben sie und ihre Erben überwiegend bis heute darüber geschwiegen und ihre Vermögen nicht nur behalten sondern kräftig vermehrt. Aufarbeitung und Entschädigungszahlungen kamen nur unter öffentlichem Druck zustande.
Das Buch erzählt eine wichtige Ergänzung zur üblicherweise bekannten Hochglanzgeschichte der deutschen Industrie. 

jarionel99's review against another edition

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Aber der gefährliche Linksrutsch!!! Ich hoffe, dass ich eines Tages ein Deutschland ohne Nazis erleben darf. Spannendes Buch, unfassbar faszinierend und leider auch extrem traurig zu lesen. Als Goebbels in seinen Tagebuch darüber schrieb wie unfassbar hart und grausam das Leben doch sei, weil er nicht mehr in der Lage gewesen war seine Affäre weiterzuführen, kriegt man wirklich dicke Aggressionen. Der Hurensohn

crazylady_usmc's review against another edition

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dark informative reflective medium-paced


amyflora's review against another edition

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Like many people who live in Western Europe, it was no surprise that there are billionaires in German whose wealth was significantly enhanced by support of the Nazi Party. War and armaments are big business and Germany is far from the only country to see war profiteers. That said, the story here is not only of those who enjoyed favourable policies and contracts under the Nazi party but those who actively supported the party and their ideals of the master race. The book unambiguously outlines the specifics of the behaviours of the families (e.g Aryanisation of companies, use of slave labour) as well as dispelling rumours that family members were pressured to join the party.

The truly disgusting and disappointing aspect of the book was the silent complicity of the descendants of the industrial tycoons, or worse their active disdain for survivors. While some families have reckoned with their past, others seem to think that they have no obligation to the Jewish families from whom they expropriated land and businesses. Nor do they believe they owe an apology and restitution to the concentration camp victims who were forced to work as slave labour in their industrial plants.

Money seems to have provided as second persilschein for these families. Not only were they able to weasel their way out of responsibility after the war but they have now been able to use donations to universities and charities to try and rehabilitate their family name without actually acknowledging the harm done.

I would recommend this book to anyone who has even a passing interest in history, politics, war, and economics. It really brings together all the loose threads of this story and lays the story out clearly.

ellenconverse's review against another edition

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3.5 stars. Very interesting history but so name-heavy that it felt dense and at times hard to keep straight. I did this as an audiobook and would recommend doing so over a physical book for these reasons.