
Sweetdark by Savannah Brown

midnightinkblot's review against another edition

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Fifty-two blue
for a second imagine a different kind of wilderness.
cobalt mist sizzling through the full bare
whooshing currents light forever muddied
and everywhere refracted. another year then another
returned as the ghostly lone rumble on the hydrophones
no mechanical whir / soviet submarine just
you you, flying solo
come down again from the kodiak like a prophecy singing
that solitary hymn. there is no language for one. i’m
speaking directly to you now: we’ll bond over your
aloneness recognize our own bloodshot geyser-eyes
remembering all the poems we didn’t read to each other
and how many times we could have said love and blue whales
known for their strong and enormous hearts commonly
live in the wild one hundred years and sometimes at home
i worry about being misunderstood / my phone
is lighting up and i don’t answer / my ankles are soaked
and rusted anchors / i’m wondering if i’m better off dry
on the pavement muttering anyone anyone anyone waiting for
someone to coax the mutual song of being from my throat so
for a lifetime imagine a different kind of wilderness.

untitledpaintings's review against another edition

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dark emotional inspiring reflective medium-paced


_hauntedhouse_'s review against another edition

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dark emotional reflective medium-paced


b7nshee's review against another edition

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emotional funny reflective medium-paced


adayafterautumn's review against another edition

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challenging dark emotional inspiring reflective medium-paced


existentialism but make it fashion. 6 out of 5 stars

codecat's review against another edition

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challenging inspiring reflective


xhallie25's review against another edition

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dark reflective medium-paced


sara_cornelia's review against another edition

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emotional hopeful reflective slow-paced


if i still went to confession, i'd admit
that sometimes when i flicker so full
of volatile want between your eyes
in midmorning, sun at its most relentless,
i'm just looking for my face dunked
in the oil of your pupils, the only place
i recognize her so well that my mouth
parts slightly and stays there.

Empecé a leer esta colección desde el año pasado en septiembre, me ha tomado un largo rato terminarla, y si bien eso es mayormente mi culpa, es la razón por la cual no quiero darle mayor calificación, pero a pesar de eso, creo que es una muy buena colección, definitivamente tiene ciertos poemas que son más fuertes que otros, (o que al menos a mí personalmente me pegaron más fuertes que otros) pero en general me gustó mucho, me gustaron los temas, buscando respuestas a preguntas existenciales que surgen debido a la simpleza de la vida y las imágenes que se utilizaron para pintar estas preguntas, además no sé cuantos años tenga la autora, pero en la foto se ve muy joven y me parece algo increíble que pueda escribir cosas tan hermosas desde tan chica, y que precisamente por esto pueda representar en estos poemas no solo lo que es ser humano, sino lo que es ser joven, la dicotomía entre sentirse inmortal y al mismo tiempo estar consiente de que siempre hay un final, esa obsesión con el tiempo y el significado de la vida fueron de mis cosas favoritas.

Me gusto mucho la colección, mi favorito fue void/you, que es el poema con el que comienza la colección y me sacudió no estaba esperando que fuera tan bueno. Me gustó mucho y creo que fue mi favorito, en parte porque no estaba esperando que me gustara tanto y en parte porque es así de bueno, mis demás favoritos fueron: we are the fledglings, the eternity we share, fifty-two blue, low-level annihilation y ego (que dejé un pedazo de este arriba porque me gustó mucho)

En fin... no he leído mucha poesía en mi vida (5 o 6 colecciones) pero esta sin duda es mi segunda favorita solo detrás de Crush de Richard Siken.

amieerb's review against another edition

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adventurous dark emotional hopeful mysterious reflective sad fast-paced


eleana's review against another edition

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3.5 really, I do wish we had halves.

The things I liked: the imagery was so vivid, it all felt consistent and it was very easy to stay in the sweet-dark land Savannah painted when reading this. Very immersive. Many good poems. Ego is my favourite. I most liked all poems that diverted from the 3 line stanza. A Memory and On the last day, I can't help were also lovely and the pacing and rhythm was great.

Things I didn't like: The standard format of 3 line stanza didn't suit most poems and ir really messed with the rhythm of the poetry. I found myself getting interrupted at random points in a sentence and having to reread the whole poem multiple times ignoring the formatting to get a natural flow of the sentences. If this was an intentional halt it was overdone and its purpose was lost on me. I'd like more of the uniquely formatted poems, of which there were many in the 3rd section, in a future collection.

Overall worth a read if you're a poetry lover. Looking forward to more collections from Savannah