
The Second Coming of Steve Jobs by Alan Deutschman

dennytrumpet's review

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I really did not like this one. The timeline is jumpy and disorienting. Steve feels like a side character while the book goes on about Lucasfilm, Pixar, and other companies or people with unnecessary detail. There were several whole thoughts and sentences repeated word for word a couples times, and there were several whole thoughts and sentences repeated word for word a couples times. It earned the second star because there is some great content here. The introduction of the iMac is so much fun.

roberto_sc's review

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informative inspiring fast-paced


harishwriter's review

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Digressive nonetheless it is about my hero. I enjoyed it. #first read on March 13 2010

/*** read this book for the third time. Narration was journalistic at times( as if it is an excerpt from a newspaper) but the research is good.

thombeckett's review

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Interesting enough, but poorly written, very journalistic, and broadly lacking in any sources able to give real insight into Steve Jobs as a person.

Also, if he tells me that a company was 'bleeding money' one more time, he's going to find himself bleeding too.

dbuntinx's review

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Zeer interessant boek uit 2000 over Steve Jobs tijd en rol bij NeXt, Pixar en zijn terugkeer bij Apple.

neven's review

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A gossipy collection of loosely connected stories about Steve Jobs. Clearly a journalist's book, it proceeds in paragraph fits and keeps restating its premises.

joesilverfox's review

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This book was written after the second coming of Steve Jobs but before the third coming. (i.e. before the iPod). He had made Apple a success, then been kicked out, Made a real hash of NEXT and was funding but failing badly at Pixar. And then completely due to his funding but not really due to any management from Jobs, (in fact he had been trying to sell Pixar for years, was laying off lots of loyal staff without any payoffs) suddenly Toy Story came out and Jobs pushed his way to the front and centre. From there of course he was super rich, he rejoined Apple and made a massive success of that and then as this book ends that second period at Apple was on a horrible downward cycle, falling sales increasing losses. As of course we all know now, the Ipod, Iphone and Ipad were all just around the corner. What is universal through this is Jobs seems to be a pain in the ass bully with massive charisma, but little human understanding. A good book written in a different period, because all the books in recent years about Jobs are written by people who seem blinded by his brilliance and skip over his many failings. No doubt he was a marketing great, but as you can see in this. A lot of luck and good timing was involved and he was such a perfectionist that often he seemed unable to move forward.