
Snow by Caroline Lee

alexlcriddle's review

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3.5 stars
This was a short, sweet Christmas romance. It was fun seeing characters from previous books, and I especially loved learning more about the godmothers. The story itself was a good retelling of Snow White, but it just didn’t capture my interest like the other retellings in the series. Snow and Hunter were cute, but I wish their romance and characters had been more thoroughly developed. Overall, I enjoyed this novel and look forward to more retellings set in Everland.

lizigator's review

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As with this whole series, it is light, fluffy, sweet, completely unrealistic (hello, fairy tale!) it’s like a hallmark movie. But I’ve read every one so far and will continue to read them as she writes more, because I love them. I love the characters, and the happily ever after story line, and the crazy godmothers.

yeahorneighreviews's review

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An enchanting twist on the classic tale of Snow White! This was my first trip to Everland and I am hooked! I'm definitely going back to start this series from the beginning. The author spun a delightfully, twisted tale based on the classic fairy tale Snow White. I love the message behind this story and it definitely delivered in the heart-warming romance department. I need a Hunter Woods of my own!

jandmterry's review

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I have loved all the books in this series. This time it was Snow White’s story. She hasn’t had a kind existence but she continues to go about in life. She has her tatting and nature to keep her comfort. Hunter is the new reverend in town. He also enjoys nature. These two are introduced in the wood due to some lovely little ladies.

missyterry73's review

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I have loved all the books in this series. This time it was Snow White’s story. She hasn’t had a kind existence but she continues to go about in life. She has her tatting and nature to keep her comfort. Hunter is the new reverend in town. He also enjoys nature. These two are introduced in the wood due to some lovely little ladies.

kristin's review

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I would like to thank the author for a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

An interesting take on the Snow White tale, I'm not sure this is a story that a white author should be telling.