Reviews tagging 'Deportation'

Die ethnische Säuberung Palästinas by Ilan Pappé

8 reviews

princxporkchop's review against another edition

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challenging dark emotional informative sad tense medium-paced


Incredible and devastating.

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hjb_128's review against another edition

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challenging dark emotional informative reflective sad medium-paced


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zawium's review against another edition

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challenging dark informative sad slow-paced


Despite being considered inaccurate or highly 'biased' by some, Pappe's history review from the Palestinian point-of-view is shocking yet well-written description on the Zionist persecution of Palestinians. Although being a highly disputed book, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine is an eye-opening read to start unraveling the hidden history. I value highly that Pappe at least aimed to include many Palestinian sources (though perhaps discarding others) and challenged the status-quo of Israeli history writing.
Regardless whether one considers Pappe a reliable writer and historian or not, this book is a great start to finding the truth. It's probable, nevertheless, the truth is still hidden to a great extend, thus more high-quality research is needed. I hope to find some truly objective history reviews that include wide range of sources concerning the subject. Yet Pappe's work was an alright 'first introduction'.

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megnut's review against another edition

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dark emotional informative slow-paced


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yarisbooksandbevs's review against another edition

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dark emotional informative reflective sad slow-paced


So much important information that is shared pretty quickly. It was clear to follow how the ethnic cleansing began and cited many sources. I found some of the people and cities sometimes difficult to keep track of but a great resource to hold accountable the atrocities 

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lizziaha's review against another edition

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This book is incredibly dense. I don’t think i retained all of the information in it, but I still learned a ton. Essential context for Israel’s current atrocities against Palestinians. 

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proletecario's review against another edition

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La única razón por la que no puedo calificar cinco estrellas a este increíble libro es porque durante las dos semanas que me costó terminarlo deliberé sobre la opción de directamente dejarlo por la angustia que me causaba. Angustia de leer historias que han sido vividas y sufridas en verdad por más inimaginables que, quisiéramos, puedan parecer.

Es, sin lugar a dudas, un libro completamente necesario de leer por más desgarrador; es imposible seguir ocultando una realidad irracional y desaforada como la que pretende reescribir el movimiento sionista.

A pesar de la trepidación que supo generar esta lectura (y la actual situación en Palestina), me incitó a priorizar el estudio del caso que engloba Israel y sionismo, judaísmo, cristianismo, capitalismo, colonización, etc. Y si bien me quedo con un mal gusto en la boca al terminar el libro, no es por nada en absoluto culpa de Pappe, más bien, me da un poco de alivio y, a la vez, me hace sentir peor cuanto supo humanizar a los palestinos nativos, reconocer y honorar sus historias, aunque a eso le siguiera la tragedia.

Espero que muchísima más gente se digne a leer este libro de una buena vez y sepan reconocer la ilegitimidad ética de un Estado colonial tanto como fue y sigue siendo en las historias de todos los continentes y países invadidos, explotados y genocidados del mundo.

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careinthelibrary's review against another edition

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This is a book I've been meaning to read for years, but present events have pushed it to the top of the pile. This is an invaluable piece of historical analysis that will continue to inform my commitment to decolonization and anti-apartheid movements.

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