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Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained by John Milton

books_n_pickles's review against another edition

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Interesting story behind this: I went into Strand hoping to find either a cheap, used copy of the Norton Critical Edition of Frankenstein or an even cheaper copy of Paradise Lost with decent notes. I was more interested in the former than the latter, which is only tangential research for my current story project. I couldn't find a single Norton Critical Edition and the copies of Paradise Lost cost way more than I was willing to spend on a whim. Fortunately, I took the long way out of the store and happened by the shelf of cheap old mass market paperbacks…which included this copy of the book for less than $4. Score!

I took an interesting approach to reading this: I was doing so with Frankenstein's creation in mind. He's a big fan of Paradise Lost and sympathizes with God, Adam, and Satan—a bit more the latter, though he's achingly aware of how far from perfect the comparison is (most heartbreakingly, because even Satan was not alone when he fell). I loved the moments in Nick Dear's theatrical adaptation when he quoted the book and, well, I had other reasons:

• I've wanted to read Paradise Lost since I first read Frankenstein as a freshman in high school, and one of my great college tragedies was not fitting Professor Stephen's course on the book into my schedule.
• I like to challenge myself by reading something difficult at least once a year.
• At the time I went looking for the book, I had not yet fixed my computer—I was fresh out of a sprint through Shakespeare's Henry VI/Richard III series and figured that, since I was so steeped in the language style, it would be a good time to go for it.

One more note before I get into my "review" proper. I was talking with my parents about my reading so far over Columbus Day weekend (I think I'd only read a chapter or two) when one of them asked how hard I found it to separate faith from self-aware fiction. The question surprised me—regardless of my beliefs, it simply hadn't occurred to me that some might struggle to appreciate Milton's work without the context of their own religious views. I guess I've always been good at distinguishing sets of realities from one another. When I took a course on the New Testament in college, I wasn't naïve enough to think that it wouldn't impact my religious understanding, but talking about the imperfect translations and gnostic gospels never troubled me as much as it did a friend who believed very deeply. Without even thinking about it, in both these cases, I approached fact as fact and fiction as fiction while leaving the bits that might impact my personal faith for consideration at a different time.

So when I talk about Paradise Lost, I'm talking only about Paradise Lost—I'm not making statements about the Bible or any of the religions that draw on it. It's my tendency to spot holes and be irreverent, especially with things that I enjoy (like this book), but I don't want anyone to mistake these comments as applying to anything more than these pages.

So, with that said, shall I start with how much I sympathized with Satan? Guy's one of the top angels in heaven when God's like, "Hey y'all, here's me #2. He's awesome and obviously my favorite, so you all have to obey him now." And Satan, well, he's not so thrilled with this whole new nepotism thing when he'd been doing pretty well in the meritocracy. Can you blame him, as a character, for being disgruntled? This is, in fact, the kind of thing that has started actual wars, something that still happens (albeit on a much smaller scale).

Plus, well, Milton starts out with him, with his fall and his fight to survive and settle his forces in Hell—and the visuals are really cool. He's our main character, he's working hard, he's listening to his followers, and he's the only one brave enough to take action to change the situation. In a lot of ways, he's what we expect in heroes in our modern stories. Of course, as Milton keeps reminding us, he is, you know, the devil.

It's an interesting move to start out with Satan, follow his flight out of Hell, and only then see Earth and Eden, Adam and Eve and the angels. All of Satan's battle with heaven is told in flashback, recounted to Adam and Eve by an angel sent to warn them that the devil is probably going to try something (more on that later). Having read all those essays in the Norton Critical Edition of Frankenstein, I was keenly aware of the narrative framing, though it was less obviously nested (in part, I think, because it is a poem and we expect lots of verbal and narrative play in poems).

But forget the narrative structure for a moment—that battle is freakin' awesome! The whole book is full of fantastic descriptions and crystal-clear imagery, describing the kinds of things that wow us when we go to see films by Chris Nolan or James Cameron. It's incredibly cinematic.

Take, for example, one of my favorite parts: the second day of the battle between good and evil in Heaven. Satan's army suffered a terrible rout the first day, so he essentially invents the cannon overnight. The Angels aren't expecting this, and their armor makes them too heavy to dodge the missiles…so they start tearing it off to give themselves room to move and use their extensive power. Since they can't attach the cannons head-on, they pull up the hills and fling them onto the cannons and their crews. But again, the demons don't die, so they fight their miserably painful way out from under the mounds and, when their cannons are no match, return fire in kind. The hills of heaven go flying through the air, crashing into each other. Tell me that isn't something you wouldn't be surprised to see in the next Avatar movie!

Of course, there's also the language element. I struggled surprisingly little—most of the really difficult vocabulary had notes, and what didn't was almost always obvious by context (though I did start noting down words after a while). But the really remarkable thing was that almost every line had a word that could be interpreted in at least two different ways.

Take this random line I opened to: "Gentle to me and affable hath been / Thy Condescension" (VIII:648-649), said by Adam to an angel who's been speaking with him. "Gentle" can mean "calm" and "careful", but it can also refer to the angel's nobility of being and bearing, since "gentle" was used as shorthand for "gentleman" and "gentlewoman". "Condescension" refers not only to Adam's feeling that the angel has humbled himself by speaking to a later-made, lesser being, but to the fact that the angel literally came down from Heaven to speak to Adam on earth, at his level. And those were just the two most obvious ones to jump out at me!

When I expressed my awe that this hadn't been made into a movie to a coworker who'd also read it, we said almost simultaneously that it would be such a shame that the language, the most remarkable element of the poem, would be lost.

Of course, as the poem goes on, we get to meet Adam…and Eve. And then we approach the fall and the sexism gets worse and worse. Keeping in mind that last pre-review caveat, I couldn't help thinking that God was more than a bit of a jerk. Mister all-seeing knew exactly what would happen and how and why and he still didn't say to his messenger, "Hey, maybe instead of dismissing Eve after she serves you lunch, you should talk to her specifically about why the devil is after humanity." And he tests Adam and Eve's obedience/goodness without giving them knowledge of good and evil. Without that, how is Eve to recognize that this talking snake might be more than it seems? And, really, you plant the tree of knowledge right next to the tree of life? Even humans don't plant foxglove in the herb garden.

On top of all that, humanity gets the seriously short end of the stick after the fall. Satan was hunting them down to lead them astray, deliberately goading them to break God's rule, using all his super-human (if sub-angelic) power to trick them, and what does he get? Thousands' of years' rule in Hell, the run of the earth, and a couple days as a snake each year. What do Adam and Eve get? Mortality, pain and hard labor, removal of easy conversation with God and his messengers, no one fighting to protect them from supernatural harm, banishment from paradise, all of their unborn descendants equally cursed, and the hatred of the aforementioned. Every time Adam and Eve think it can't get worse, it does. With the deck so heavily stacked against them, why should their punishment be so harsh?

The failure of internal logic is interesting, because a modern fictional take would probably work to close those gaps. Milton, of course, doesn't try. That's not the point.

I did get annoyed with Milton in a few places for more ordinary narrative sins. Paradise Lost is, essentially, a work of fan fiction, and commits one of my pet peeves when he narrates a few sections of exposition almost word-for-word from the Bible. And it's not just a shout-out, "And it was good"—it's verses at a time. This is especially annoying in the final two books, which are basically Cliff Notes for the Bible. After all the gorgeous original work he did, getting this shoehorned highlights tour kind of kills the momentum. I actually compared it to the epilogue of the seventh Harry Potter: yeah, I guess I see why it's there, but narratively it would have been better off ending earlier.

But Milton's not just out to tell a story, he's telling one of THE stories that shaped the Christianized world. Narrative coherence is not at the top of his agenda.

I'm going to cut this review short, since there will be quite a few quotes with commentary, plus I want to squeeze in my vocab. Thanks for sticking with me this far! I loved reading this, and if you're into Shakespeare and Homer, you'll probably like this, too.

Quote Roundup is on Tumblr, since I broke the Goodreads character limit like woah.

steveatwaywords's review against another edition

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emotional inspiring mysterious reflective slow-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


 How does one write a review of such an epic work?

I think I will start by setting aside its historical and theological value, which as a foundational moment in Western literature cannot really be disputed. 7 out of 5 starts on that front.

But now as a contemporary read? Perhaps a bit less so. Milton's lush and allusion-heavy blank verse was at many levels a signpost experience and even a revelation, not for its ambition to explain the ways of God (which it certainly undertakes if at times unevenly) but for how his elucidation of the story of Creation has rooted itself into this civilization's psyche.

We can argue with his interpretations (and we should), we can resist the subservient role of Eve as a representative of women (and we should), and we can even raise eyebrows at Milton's self-stated ego (and I do). But we can also examine the anti-heroic Promethean role assigned to Satan, the delicate balancing act Milton plays with his many references to Greco-Roman mythology, the strategic thinking he does to sort out free will from God's "fated" plan.

For me, what was often at work was a narratological problem: every time you have to "fill in all the details" of a story that is itself brief allegory, a metaphor, readers are bound to focus on failed plotting. Why are the angels driving in chariots and marshalling spears? Why do God and Son both wonder/worry if Satan will achieve victory if the story is already foreordained? Why does Adam allow Eve to go off on her own when they were specifically warned there is a proverbial and literal snake in the grass? And why is the innocent serpent (itself merely a victim of devilish possession) also punished?

The answer has to be at some level, Who cares? It makes the plot go forward. And that is the trouble that Milton had to contend with: How do we make a large story-led argument about God's purposes that also adds trivial events/details while it expounds grander motivations? At some level, we might say, Genesis works because it is brief, parable-like. It allows us to recognize its places for reflection. Milton wanted to fill them in, and in so doing, perhaps, created a whole new set of challenges for Christian thinking while he answered questions.

Unpopular opinion, too, that I appreciated Paradise Regained in several ways more than Paradise Lost.

Like the first book, Milton focuses only a specific scene, here the temptations of Jesus in the desert. The (only) four chapters open up the challenges Satan offers and the lengthier explanations Jesus makes in rejecting them. For me, even if we disagree with the nature of the arguments, Milton is more successful because there are literally fewer "events" to detail. So we don't have to ask embarrassing questions and can focus almost exclusively on the interplay between the two, the arguments made about food, faith, and power (presented in the order of the Gospel of Luke) are worthwhile in that readers can appreciate (dangerously) the "logic" of Satan's points, saved only by Jesus's focused rejoinders.

Milton spends the most time on the temptation to power, offering Jesus several variations of what that might look like and why he might consider it to achieve his aims, even arguing that both he and Jesus might benefit from bringing the "story" of Satan to an ending. Though we do not have the full "dramatization" of the Genesis story, Regained accomplishes more absolutely what Milton stated was his purpose: to articulate the ways of God, and the rejection of Satan in the desert, of course, is the ideal mirror of the failure of mankind to do so in Paradise.

Most don't read this section of Milton, but I would argue all the more to do so, and perhaps--if you are uncertain about reading Milton at all, start with it. It will allow readers a faster read to test their capacity for enduring the blank verse of centuries before while still sampling a Master of the Canon. Then go on to read the larger first work. Trust me, by now, spoilers have to be impossible, anyway, yes? 

noamw's review against another edition

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This is quite good, that Milton fellow could be going places!

bzzzzzz's review against another edition

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This is probably the prime of Biblical fan-fiction. As a woman, it’s extremely frustrating to read. As someone who loves literature, it’s a deeply-fascinating masterpiece. I can’t agree with a fair bit of his theology, but I love the depictions of sacrificial love.

lovewitch's review against another edition

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i just had to add this. i HAD to.

“Better to reign in Hell, then serve in Heav’n.”
Did I buy it because our king Magnus Bane quoted it, bitch maybe. I ain’t admitting shit. “Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is’’
I can’t even with the poetry part. Also Paradise Regained is not as good as Paradise Lost… Why am I trying to get into poetry? ... Lately I’ve been really into demons and ‘satanic’ shit in general.
Bitch honestly I get Eve. If God had told me to not eat the apple I would have devoured the whole tree.

kylegarvey's review against another edition

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They wrote a novelization of Aronofsky's mother! [exclamation point most definitely intended]??

Jesus. It's a joke.

No, but more seriously, as regards cinema, it's not really Schrader's First Reformed or DeMille's Ten Commandments or really any of the usual suspects that I think holds a key to Milton's early masterpiece: it's Thanos from the Marvel movies, duh. Haha. No, really, God isn't godly here: he's just a regular supervillain whose powers, y'know, include casually obliterating the universe or whatever. So what's the point of anything really? Haha. I don't know.

Lost is an epic in blank verse, telling that Old Testament again or something like it, to sexily "justify the ways of God to men". Sexy. Regained is the plainer, shorter 'brief epic' that continued the story; this dude Jesus is born, preaches, finds out he's God's son somehow, etc. Everything be kind of Biblical, yo!

Zeffirelli's 1977 film about Jesus ( or this random 2009 documentary about Jerusalem I saw ( might be important previous stops, and an audiobook reading of Milton's Paradise Lost/Regained might be just another present stop. You know? We all must contemplate this lewd impropriety that's doinking all our moralities, right? I guess so. I'm doing my best (or actually, wait sorry, I thought you'd requested my 'worst', so I offered that by mistake; sorry, "best", "worst", I may have mixed them up; my bad).

During Regained, when Satan says things are "fallacious" I was hearing the audiobook and not the actual text, so of course I misheard it as "fellatious". That's a word, right? Well, I consider it one, and that's of course all words need. To be considered. It's diction! Diction. Emphasis on the "dick" part of "diction", to go with the topic at hand. Literally, at hand (on the back of a head, guiding the mouth nearer and farther). Is my soul cursed to Hell yet, or is yours since you've read this sentiment? I don't quite understand it: they give you breaks, right?

Needless to say, when Satan says something might be a fallacy I'm like "Yeah, that's a fallacy, indeed" even if I don't fully understand.

I've read Milton before (I can say Great Books of the Western World, #32), but haven't we all? He seems like one of these good poet guys, talented at the poetry thing.

jamiedark10's review against another edition

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challenging slow-paced


amberbooksit's review against another edition

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challenging dark reflective

lexi_con's review against another edition

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Passionately and angelically written - loved this!

vandykek2008's review against another edition

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Milton's epic poem has beautiful cadence throughout his work. It is a very interesting retelling of Genesis with some embellishment and imagination as he examines conversations surrounding creation, the fall of man, and the plan for redemption. I was surprised at how much mythology he incorporated into the script. It is an impressive piece of work especially considering the fact that he became blind prior to writing it. The theology is off in places, but overall it was a good read.