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audrey042's review against another edition
J’ai choisi cette romance en raison du titre et plus spécifiquement du terme « malédiction ». J’ai toujours aimé les histoires de magie, de sorcières et de malédiction. J’espérais donc que cet aspect du roman serait très important histoire de rendre la lecture pas trop pénible. Hélas, la malédiction est bien présente mais vous découvrirez qu’elle n’est pas forcément celle que l’on croit. Par conséquent, si comme moi vous espéreriez une bonne dose de magie et de fantastique, je vous conseille de passer votre tour.
En évoquant le Pays de Galles, le résumé m’avait laissé espérer de belles descriptions de paysages. J’avoue sur ce point une certaine naïveté de ma part, les romans d’amour n’étant pas forcément réputés pour leurs qualités littéraires. Pour ne pas être déçus, n’en espérez donc pas.
Les scènes de sexe ne sont heureusement pas trop présentes. C’est un bon point pour moi mais peut-être que pour les personnes intéressées par ce type d’ouvrage, ce n’en est pas un… J’ai par contre été agacée par la banalisation du viol et très sceptique face aux réactions de Lady Holly de Chastel vis-à-vis des maltraitances psychologiques et physiques de son époux.
J’ai toutefois été agréablement surprise par le style de l’auteur. La plume n’est pas magnifique mais l’écriture n’est pas lourde et le vocabulaire pas trop simpliste.
En résumé, je suis contente d’avoir su respecter l’objectif du mois. Il m’a permis d’une part, de confirmer mon manque d’appétence pour les romances pures tout en me permettant de venir à bout de certains de mes préjugés. Je m’étais en effet attendue à un style d’écriture épouvantable alors que, sans faire d’étincelles, la plume de l’auteure est tout à fait acceptable.
En évoquant le Pays de Galles, le résumé m’avait laissé espérer de belles descriptions de paysages. J’avoue sur ce point une certaine naïveté de ma part, les romans d’amour n’étant pas forcément réputés pour leurs qualités littéraires. Pour ne pas être déçus, n’en espérez donc pas.
Les scènes de sexe ne sont heureusement pas trop présentes. C’est un bon point pour moi mais peut-être que pour les personnes intéressées par ce type d’ouvrage, ce n’en est pas un… J’ai par contre été agacée par la banalisation du viol et très sceptique face aux réactions de Lady Holly de Chastel vis-à-vis des maltraitances psychologiques et physiques de son époux.
J’ai toutefois été agréablement surprise par le style de l’auteur. La plume n’est pas magnifique mais l’écriture n’est pas lourde et le vocabulaire pas trop simpliste.
En résumé, je suis contente d’avoir su respecter l’objectif du mois. Il m’a permis d’une part, de confirmer mon manque d’appétence pour les romances pures tout en me permettant de venir à bout de certains de mes préjugés. Je m’étais en effet attendue à un style d’écriture épouvantable alors que, sans faire d’étincelles, la plume de l’auteure est tout à fait acceptable.
loverofromance's review against another edition
My Review
First Impressions
Fairest Of Them All was simply a delightful bonkers of a medieval historical and I had such a fun time with this. Now I will say that it is a prime novel of its time, it was written back in the mid-’90s, so keep that in mind when reading this one. I think part of the reason I enjoyed this one is I didn’t look at this story with modern age glasses, I put on my objective cap and I do think that it contributed to it but I do think modern readers could enjoy this one. I really think you need to look at this book as what it is and its not going to be a story that you are used to. It has flowery writing, but it is highly engaging and I really enjoyed the way the plot was developed. It turned out so different than what I expected and it had a “Snow White” theme of a retelling to it. Not a straight-up retelling, but some similarities to the fairy tale. I really had a fun time seeing how this book was developed. Now if you have read any of the other books in this series, then this one will definitely work for you.
Holly de Chastel has always been viewed and fought over her physical appearance and she has always viewed her beauty to be more of a curse than a blessing. She has no desire to become a man’s wife, and her father is determined to marry her off, but every suitor which comes her way she drives off with her shenanigans. She has yet to find a man that she would want to be a wife to. When her father takes a final plunge, to have suitors come and fight in a joust over her hand in marriage, the last thing she expected is to have the most handsome of the males, and the most feared, a Welsh fighter Sir Austyn of Gavenmore, Holly and Austyn had shared one feisty interlude not knowing who the other was. But on the day of the joust, Holly makes adjustments to her appearance to make her look like a plain and undesirable woman. But much to her dismay, Holly’s new appearance is exactly what Austyn is looking for in a wife. His family has been cursed with love and devastation, and after his mother had affairs and was killed in his father’s rage of her illicit affairs, he is determined not to be next in line with that curse that has been passed down the generation. He won’t have to worry about Holly bring other men in their bed. When Austyn wins the joust, Holly has no choice but to marry this man who doesn’t seem disturbed by her appearance. But Holly knows eventually he will find out the truth and when he does will the love she has for him be enough or will the betrayal be the end of them both?
Had there been even a hint of brutality in his attentions, Holly might have brought herself to hate him, but his accomplished hands cherished her flesh as if it were his own private altar. She’d never known such unbridled ecstasy. Or such misery.
What I Loved
Fairest of Them All was such a good read and honestly once I had adjusted to this writing style and the old-school way of style of angst, I truly became hooked on this story and it was such a page-turner. I just couldn’t put this one down and I was so pleased to have a historical that is a more old school that just hooked me in so completely. It also was so refreshing from all the regency/victorian era books I have been reading so much of late. I felt like Teresa Medeiros did such a remarkable job with this story. I actually really loved the angst which builds between this pairing. I also couldn’t help but just be stunned by the beauty of this read and despite its flaws just worked for me in so many ways. I loved the way the setting was built up and I really felt like I could feel the emotions between our pair. There is quite a bit to go into this one here. I first want to say that the hero was so fantastic. I love that despite her looks, he just wants Holly and he starts to see the beauty in her that comes from the inner part of her. And while he definitely makes his share of mistakes, he is so tormented by the history of his family and wants to make sure that it doesn’t happen to him as it has happened to his parents and grandparents. Our heroine definitely has her own flair of drama and spirit but you can see that she wants to be seen as a person and not just a possession. To be seen as more than just a token of beauty. She has spirit and courage and when she falls in love with Austyn, she loves him completely. The ending of this one was so perfect and really lifted up my rating because it definitely left me feeling content and happy.
An emotion both tender and tremulous, yet possessed of the power to topple kingdoms and tempt a man to risk his soul for just one night to savor its priceless wonders
What I Struggled With
There were some aspects to this story that I really struggled with. The first being the way that the hero treats the hero at times. Now while he doesn’t ever abuse her, his actions could be a struggle for some readers. He does get a bit alpha on our heroine. Also our heroine I really struggled with especially in the first half. It was never really explained why she was hateful towards men or even marriage. She could act like a spoiled brat at times and I didn’t like how deceitful she could be throughout the book. (although once we got to the second half I had no issues with her)
Overall View
Fairest Of Them All was such a magnificent read of a romance. A medieval set historical that will deliver in its vibrant setting, passionate set characters, and some hurdles to battles before reaching our happily ever after guaranteed to make its reader sigh in pleasure and satisfaction.
emilyhei's review against another edition
Holly de Chastel has no plan of being married off to any of the suitors who want to claim her hand. Her beauty is spoken of through the lands, but Holly doesn't want to be married so she can be a trophy on the arm of an arrogant man, she wants to be free. Holly comes up with a plan to ward off her father's next attempt only to have it backfire.
Sir Austyn of Gavenmore has no qualms of taking a plain wife, in fact he embraces it. His family is cursed into rages of jealousy and doomed marriages when the wife is beautiful, he wants happiness and children and to break this awful curse. When he takes the hand of Holly, her ugliness is a bit much but given time he finds himself falling for intellect, but when the truth is revealed that Holly is stunningly beautiful will Austyn be able to forgive the betrayal.
Enjoyable story, had a moment midway through that I could not stop cracking up. Holly goes from spoiled and determined to determined and falling for her husband. Austyn is a gentleman to Holly, until the betrayal and than he turns into pure alpha male who is confused by his feelings of wanting nothing to do with his wife and wanting her so desperately his skin is on fire. Always a guaranteed good time reading a Teresa Mederios book.
Sir Austyn of Gavenmore has no qualms of taking a plain wife, in fact he embraces it. His family is cursed into rages of jealousy and doomed marriages when the wife is beautiful, he wants happiness and children and to break this awful curse. When he takes the hand of Holly, her ugliness is a bit much but given time he finds himself falling for intellect, but when the truth is revealed that Holly is stunningly beautiful will Austyn be able to forgive the betrayal.
Enjoyable story, had a moment midway through that I could not stop cracking up. Holly goes from spoiled and determined to determined and falling for her husband. Austyn is a gentleman to Holly, until the betrayal and than he turns into pure alpha male who is confused by his feelings of wanting nothing to do with his wife and wanting her so desperately his skin is on fire. Always a guaranteed good time reading a Teresa Mederios book.
sarcrawsh's review against another edition
I think I may finally be tiring of the romance genre. Which makes me sad, because I really, really love it.
I did not, however, really, really love this book. There was far too much emphasis on looks and character was an afterthought to beauty. I give props to Holly for actually working to destroy her beauty rather then simply don a disguise. But it was ludicrous that a quick dunk in water and nothing else would suddenly make her beautiful again.
Also, I didn't love Austyn. What a wuss, man.
I did like the writing and I'd be willing to give the author another try.
I did not, however, really, really love this book. There was far too much emphasis on looks and character was an afterthought to beauty. I give props to Holly for actually working to destroy her beauty rather then simply don a disguise. But it was ludicrous that a quick dunk in water and nothing else would suddenly make her beautiful again.
Also, I didn't love Austyn. What a wuss, man.
I did like the writing and I'd be willing to give the author another try.
summerlithi's review against another edition
Really enjoyed it. Exactly my kind of premise, though I can see certain parts rubbing some people the wrong way. Couldn’t condone much of it in the real world but that’s why it’s a fantasy.
llina's review against another edition
áá...nějak jsem nemohla Holly přijít na chuť, ono bát tak krásná, že se všichni přetrhnou, aby udělali co chcete, je strašnej problém...:D
book_grinch's review against another edition
This was my first Teresa Medeiros book, and considering all I've read of this author in the meanwhile, I think I should have learned my lesson by now.
This one...well it started out somewhat funny and then it ended in a violent crash and burn.
For me situations that involve domestic abuse, and any type of violence should not be be seen as romantic.
This one...well it started out somewhat funny and then it ended in a violent crash and burn.
For me situations that involve domestic abuse, and any type of violence should not be be seen as romantic.