
The Nest by Ben Errington, John Crinan

myweereads's review

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“A Halloween treat designed to keep event the boldest of warriors awake until the early dawn.”

The Nest by Benn Errington, John Crinan, Andy Conduit-Turner and Daniel Wilcocks is the frightening story about four single parents who go missing. Taking matters into their own hands, the children begin to investigate the circumstances surrounding the disappearances and all the strange things that occurred just before. Bizarre offerings, screeching noises and seeing a creature with huge wings is just the beginning.

This story was a fun horror read which was easy to devour. It reigns in on the four children of the missing parents with their experiences prior to the disturbing discovery. Little bits of key information was dropped at the right moments bringing a focus on the mysterious atmosphere of the story. The elements of horror kick in from the beginning as the unsettling tale begins to unfold.

I read this in one sitting, its a jam packed novella where the characteristics of an unnerving horror story were paced perfectly. From the beginning to the conclusion, the reader is gripped by what they think is going to happen. The characters were easy to relate to and I enjoyed the comedy throughout, it came at the right moments and even during some dark ones.

This novella was a fun read.

monakabbani's review

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No School. No Parents. No Way Out.

On a dark and stormy night, the disappearance of four single parents leads to an investigation by the children they leave behind. What is it they’re seeing in the rain about their town? This terror with wings! Do all their stories match up? Are they really all seeing this same supernatural force or is it just their imaginations terrifying them? And if it is real, will this motley crew of youngsters be able to stop it and save the day? Or will they fall prey to the same fate their parents did?

From Stranger Things to The Nest, I LOVE 80’s aesthetic horror. No, I did not grow up in the 80’s (I’m much, much older than that