
The New Kid by Eileen Wilks

more85's review

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Es un relato corte de Rule (16) mientras estaba adaptándose a los humanos en la escuela

kathydavie's review

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A free short story, 0.1 in the World of the Lupi paranormal fantasy series, revolving around the eighteen-year-old Rule Turner, a young werewolf.

My Take
Nice. Very nice. I loved how Wilks explained the culture of the lupi and the training their wolf selves need to undergo to keep their secrets. Using Rule and his conflicting needs was fascinating, and his solution to his problem as well as the bullying situation was a treat, which definitely makes this a character-driven tale.

Sure there's action, but it's more of a psychological assessment.

It's pretty funny hearing, in third person protagonist point-of-view from Rule's perspective, about human taboos and customs about sex, the different cliques in high school, the hypocrisy of bad boys versus bad girls, etc.

It's also a great introduction to Rule's and Isen's characters. I loved Isen's assessment of Rule's final choice...just what a father should encourage.

Something to keep in mind, "we sometimes learn more from failure than success".

The Story
Rule wants, needs, to prove he can control his wolf by enrolling in high school. An experience that devolves into an inner battle between the wolf's need to be dominant and Rule's need to suppress it.

The Characters
Rule Turner, an eighteen-year-old werewolf teen, is Isen's heir and a sophomore.

The Nokolai are...
...werewolves, thought of as Oddies in the human world, their nickname for what is believed to be a feminist cult called Od Dama (Croation for "of the Lady"). Home base is Clanhome. Isen Turner is Rule's dad, and he's also the Rho, the leader of this group of Nokolai. Benedict is Rule's brother. Mason has some influence.

Hillcrest High School
Mrs Rogers (with the great legs) teaches American History; Mr Carlton is the judgy assistant principal.

Fellow students include the luscious Susan Welbourne, a cheerleader (who also likes Mrs Rogers' legs); Alex (who is Nokolai); Andy; the gay Donny is the class clown; Harold, a.k.a. Runt; Pete, a.k.a. the Ox, is a bully, a jock, and a senior who thinks he's still dating Sarah; and, Mike is Pete's buddy.

The Cover and Title
The cover is all blue tones with the perspective of a high school hallway lined with lockers on the left, illuminated by fluorescent light panels on the ceiling that are reflected on a linoleum floor, and a pair of black doors at the end. The author's name is in white and outlined in black at the very top. At the bottom, in small print is the series information in black with the title immediately below it in a gradation of blues dark to lighter.

The title is all about Rule, "The New Kid".

rclz's review

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I thought this was going to be slow in the beginning but it turned out to be really sweet. Good short.

rouver's review

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The free downloadable pdf can be found here.
If you're already a reader of this series, you'll enjoy this.

This is a short story about Rule (one of the main characters that's a werewolf) set in the mid-seventies, when he was 16. Needing to get used to being around humans and still being able to hide the fact that he's a werewolf, his father enrolls him in the nearby high school. A bully quickly takes note of him and Rule must work out a way to nullify the threat without exposing himself.

A fun little story & I wouldn't mind seeing more of Rule as a teenager. The novels have gotten a little kludgy and I enjoyed a story that didn't have the unwieldy plot of the entire series weighing down on it. Don't get me wrong...I will read all of the books that Wilks writes. I like the characters & I'm interested to see where she takes her story arc, but some of the books could benefit from a more heavy-handed editor.

Urban werewolf/fantasy/kick-ass female cop book. If that sounds like your thing, I'd definitely recommend this series.

book_hoarding_dragon's review

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Fast, short read. However, it was really cool to read about Rule trying to fit in with human society. Also, his interaction with Isen was great. Isen is one of the many characters that I adore.

Now, I'm curious about what happens to Runt and Donny later on.

wealie's review

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This is a freebie read accessible from the Author's website. A satisfying, if very short story that gives a bit of insight into Rule Turner's character with a story from his late teens.

bananatricky's review

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A charming short story about Rule in high school

heregrim's review

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Loved my introduction to the world, looking forward to seeing where it goes.

lpcoolgirl's review

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Great short story of Rule when he was young, and first around humans after his first change! Great read!

*First read July 28th, 2014*
This was an awesome short story, of Rule a teenager, and how there's a bully in the school, and how eventually Rule puts him in the dumpster-and how the real leader, Sarah, lost power. Awesome short story and very funny!

laurla's review

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-free story found on the authors website.

"The group with the lowest status of all were homosexuals. This was true in the larger society and doubly so at Hillcrest High, where none of them dared admit what they were. This boggled Rule’s brain. If human men held the power in their world, and they were hell-bent on keeping rivals from impregnating their women, why didn’t they welcome men who were not sexual rivals?"

"pity was a corrosive weed that warmed its donor while strangling its object. you didn’t respect those you pitied."