
Frog and Fly by Jeff Mack

laura_mcloughlin's review against another edition

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All six stories end with some creature being eaten. Kathryn enjoyed it ok.

jessalynn_librarian's review against another edition

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Review for Metro Parent:
Six very short chapters, told in comic book-style panels, show the inevitable relationship between frogs and flies – it always ends with a “slurp!” The predictably humorous outcomes build confidence in young readers, while the final chapter adds a nice twist.

libraryjen's review against another edition

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Supposedly Frog and Fly are friends but in all six of these stories Frog eats fly. It came off as a little twisted and macabre. Not usable for my story time and not recommended.

maidmarianlib's review against another edition

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Six simple stories with fun twists of plot and interesting use of language.

dararm's review

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My 4 year old granddaughter LOVES this book. We have read it numerous times and laugh hardily each time. She is good at making the sounds in the book and just continuing to read if I stop to take a breathe.

tashrow's review

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Six very short stories about a frog and a fly are told here. Done in comic panels, the stories are all simple and quite funny. In each story, the frog meets a fly and ends up not really making friends but instead making lunch. Each story is slightly different and filled with little puns. The frog manages to cleverly lure the fly closer by talking with it, but eventually just slurps that fly right up. The arc of the first two stories is very similar. The third brings in ketchup and a burger. The fourth has different animals shooing the fly away from them, until the frog welcomes the fly closer. The fifth story has races between the frog and fly that the fly wins over and over again, until the final one. The sixth story has the frog get his comeuppance much to the glee of the fly. Slurp!

Read the rest of my review on my blog, Waking Brain Cells.