
Wheels on the Bus by Sylvie Wickstrom, Raffi Cavoukian

soulwinds's review

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Another great love of my niece's. Last time I was there for bed time, she handed me this book no less than 6 times to read/sing to her. Her mom had to hide it so she'd stop asking me to sing it. lol She knows all her actions too (beeping the horn, swishing the wipers, ushering people back, going up and down).

We did swap out some words though. Instead of wah wah wah, the babies on the bus go tee hee hee (because my niece cries in the car and we don't want to encourage her) and the parents say I love you instead of shushing. Makes no sense to shush a baby that's laughing, right? Sometimes the auntie's say I love you too. lol

Music is on the last page if you need the notes.