
Eighteen at Last by Gretchen de la O

hannibalhamlet's review

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DNF. Became boring and the story line fell apart after
Spoiler Max's dad died.
Their relationship became too sweet and unrealistic to me. I would like to say I would come back and possibly finish this book because I hate to not finish one, but this was just bad. I did enjoy the first book though.

sharonsm_28's review

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I loved this book. Wilson and Max are made for each other. Besides the fact that it is a student-teacher relationship, I honestly thought the love that these two characters showed was really genuine. In this book, we got to see Max struggle through a difficult time and Wilson loving him through it. However, the last ten chapters, changed the dynamic of their relationship. I was sad by how it ended, but I want to find out if Max and Wilson get their HEA!!!

book_recs_by_amy's review

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I Loved this book! Wilson and Max once again stole my heart! ( and my mind )

At first before I started reading, I was worried about how the book would continue from the first.

That being said, I loved the path that was chosen and that it captured everything that was important and that needed to be said.

What I love about these books is that everything that happens to these charaters is what a lot of humans go though, (maybe not all about seeing a teacher) but the struggle to realize how you feel for someone and the passion and the hurt that comes with such feelings.

The writing was amazing and well displayed and I loved every minute of reading this book.

I couldnt put and down and I didn't.

I dont care what anyone says, this series of books is one of my all time favourites and will forever be in my mind.

I cant wait for the next!


shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review

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I liked this one a little bit better than the first, but all the emotional drama and Wilson's immaturity was a bit much for me. I know she's eighteen and at that age they are full of drama, but still I couldn't take all the crying and vacillating back and forth between her emotional breakdown with Max and all the drama with Nick. That said..I need to know what happens at the end of this series, so I'm on to book 3.

_laikahh's review

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Unnecessary descriptions. Filler chapters. Boring.

She gets insecure all the time: sweaty palms, clogged up throat and the whole panoply. I just can't.

First of all, the dude's father dies and they still have sex like that's the most important thing in the moment. No. Then she calls her best friend to tell how about the dad's death and the only thing the best friend manages to hear out of everything she says, is that they had sex and then the conversation revolves around that. Like, I don't think that's the moment. I'm sorry but no matter how great my first time was, I wouldn't want to talk about it after my boyfriend's father died. Heck, I wouldn't even have sex on the same fucking night.

Then, she decides to leave the guy and complains later on that he doesn't even try to come after her or contact her. First of all, you left and told him you were doing what's best. Accept that and don't expect him to come crawling and try to get you back. She's all like, I left. But why did he let me leave? He let me just walk away. Ugh. And second, he's mourning his father. I was hurting; pained by the fact that even though Max was grieving the death of his father and the pressures of his family, he hadn’t attempted to contact me. You really think you are a priority to him right now? Stop being so fucking selfish.

Then, she goes "Now I understand. The Goldstein’s don’t want me there. I get it,” I struggled to form my words as tears streamed down my cheeks. [...] Max had gone on without me…I knew he would. Oh my gosh, she is so fucking self-centered. So what? The guy was supposed to put his life on hold for you after his dad died? The family was supposed to wait for you or something to bury the man? Get over yourself.

At some point, she tries to, and I quote "fill the holes I have for Max in my soul with Nick". Like, she flings herself at him and tries to kiss him and whatever cause she's missing Max. Then, Nick, as the great friend he is, takes advantage and kisses her and all. While knowing she's hurting and isn't thinking nor acting coherently. That's definitely the kind of guy friend I want! Then she goes, "What the hell have I done? I'm not this type of girl". Yes, yes, you ate exactly this type of girl it seems.

She is immature, selfish at times, egocentric, insecure, inconsistent, dramatic, whiny and needy. Things I hate in a protagonist. I couldn't relate to her, couldn't bring myself to like her. I wanted to slap and punch her. She was so annoying to read about.

And again, the writing style. I couldn't bear with things like: But today, I haven’t felt my butterflies move at all; it was as if they’d busted out of my chest and dissolved into the blistering cold air that shredded their wings. Like, wtf? I'm sorry but she tries too much and the imagery though described enough to be pictured ends up totally ruined and bland. No. Or, his smoldering eyes traced me with an intrinsic passion. Intrinsic passion? Intrinsic? Face palm.

Fifty shades of fucked up. Everything about this book is wrong.

Oh, and of course, most of the book happened in 2 days. Shocker!