
The Continuous Atonement by Brad Wilcox

bridge_to_bookland's review

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So many great insights. He really has a gift for presenting ideas in a way that makes sense, and is easy to grab hold of.

jsburt's review

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Loved this book and I really learned a lot about the Atonement of Jesus Christ! Very well written with great examples.

88keys's review

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I really enjoyed this book. I thought it had a lot of fresh new insight along with some good reminders. I liked it nearly as much as Robinson's "Believing Christ"

jaredpence's review

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I thought this book was a wonderful repositioning of grace and Jesus’s atonement compared to some LDS perspectives which think we have to earn our exhalation. “I figured that immortality was free, but eternal life had to be earned. Now I realize both are free (DC 6:14; 14:7), but eternal life must be received by faith in Christ, which included covenants and the ordinances that evidence those covenants” (157). I didn’t always understand how grace could be free and also that it must be received by faith, but the idea that it is already all taken care of is beautiful.
One idea that I really liked was different levels of motivation that Wilcox discussed. He suggested that the highest level of motivation is a friend, giving more meaning to Jesus yelling his disciples that He is their friend. “The Lord sometimes referees to Joseph as His servant (DC 1:17). At other times He called him His son (DC 121:7) and His friend (DC 93:45). No doubt even the Prophet and his associates were progressing through the levels of motivation. Servants are required to work. Sons are expected to work. However, friends work because they want to” (172).

the_chronic_bookworm's review

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This was an excellent book! I highly recommended it. It taught me a lot about the atonement and how it applies to my every day life. This is a book that fills you with hope and strengthens your testimony of the Savior and his sacrifice for all of us.

kelliepalmer's review

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Took me a little bit to actually become interested in this book. But once I got to a certain point, it was the best thing I have read in ages. As a Mormon, the Atonement of Christ is a major aspect of my life and the things I do. This book broke down the Atonement in different categories and helped make such an intense topic seem less frightening. After reading this book, I came out with a new understanding of how to depend on Christ and not be so hard on myself for being HUMAN.

kyliep's review

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I loved this book! I have a difficult time reading doctrinal lit, but that did not hold true for this book. The subject and explanations were so clear and well-written. It was engaging and inspiring. I have a better understanding of the Atonement and how to apply it thanks to this book. I would recommend that everyone read it!

kjrollins's review

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emotional hopeful inspiring reflective relaxing medium-paced


This was a wonderful Sunday read. I loved getting to know the savior more through Brother Wilcox’s eyes and stories. The chapters were well written and formulated to help you unveil the atonement in new perspectives.

libraryjen's review

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emotional hopeful informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


4.5 stars

I listened to the author read this one and it felt like sitting down and having a heart-to-heart conversation. There was so much profound doctrine and insight that I'm going to need to reread it in print with a highlighter, a pen, and my journal in hand. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is so much more than forgiveness of sins.

mturney1010's review

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I learned so much about the Atonement. It was a real eye opener. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking a personal relationship with Christ or who wants a better understanding of the Atonement. There were things I'd never even considered before, and I have been a Christian all my life who goes to church on a weekly basis. It strengthened my testimony in so many ways. Thanks Brad Wilcox!