
Murder by Magic: Twenty Tales of Crime and the Supernatural by Rosemary Edghill

captlychee's review

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This is another of these modern, commissioned anthologies full of stories by writers you've never heard of with one or two names thrown in so they can go on the cover for sales purposes. What's impressive about the bios of the authors is how many of them have produced numerous novels. Figures of nine and ten novels seem common, and one or two of them have produced thirty novels, sometimes set in the same universe.

Judging by the short stories these ones write, the novel is their forté. This must be true because nobody could write thirty novels so pedestrian, and only the insane would publish the things. Or maybe there is more of a market for these things than I know, a cohort I'm not a member of, which would explain why I've never heard of these women. And they are mostly women. Fantasy, and increasingly SF, is dominated by women.

The standout stories are 'Doppelgangster' by [a:Laura Resnick|88609|Laura Resnick|] and 'Grey Eminence' by [a:Mercedes Lackey|8685|Mercedes Lackey|]. You can expect something competent from Lackey, and the story ticks all the boxes (albeit she should never try to emulate a Cockney accent in prose) but the Resnick was a nice surprise. Logically worked out and with some attention to authentic detail.

None of these stories are particularly inspiring, and none will stick in your memory unless you're in solitary confinement or something, but you can while away a week or so in between household chores with them.

jvilches's review

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adventurous mysterious fast-paced
