
Born to be Wicked: A Snarky Urban Fantasy Series by Shade Owens

bubblewombat's review

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This was technically a reread since I read this when it was originally published as an arc reviewer and then again this month as a normal reader. It's slightly different, but not by much. A little less steam, which doesn't mean it wasn't fun.

I paid special attention to my baby Rachel and knowing what I do, I'm still so proud of all that she'll achieve in the future.

Here's my original review:

In the mighty words of Paris Hilton, "that's hot." Literally me during this book. I WAS NOT EXPECTING EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED HERE.

Sometimes when books warn you they're 18+ they don't even feel like it. But this one definitely does.

I read the prequel first and I got a little sad that it didn't immediately continue where that ended. That's okay though, parts of that get explained too.

The plot starts off pretty straight forward but evolves into something unique.

My favourite part is that Alexis swings both ways and that more attention is given to her female enounters (refer to the Paris quote at the top). There's a huge difference how she is with them vs the males.

That's not to say I don't want that odd Incubus to return. HE BETTER. IT'S NOT DONE.

Rachel is another unexpected but delightful addition to the story. I love her. She's similar to Alexis in some ways and I could see them forging a sisterly bond.

I really breezed through this story. I WANT MORE.